Bride Wonders If It's OK Not To Allow 'Rainbow' Nephew At Her Child-Free Wedding, And People Reply "Yes"

Susanna Grace

Will you allow a baby at your wedding? What if it is a rainbow baby? (a rainbow baby is a child born after a miscarriage). Well, for Reddit user @AITArainbow2016, her answer is "NO", but she never knows she will make this decision on her nephew.
Oh, just calm down. I mean, yes, a wedding is an occasion that family members, including kids, can meet and have fun with the bride and the groom, but it is her CHILD-FREE wedding. So, instead of claiming her an a**hole, let's take some time to understand her story.

Source: AITArainbow2016

Source: AITArainbow2017

Source: AITArainbow2018

Source: AITArainbow2019

Source: AITArainbow2020

Source: AITArainbow2021

Source: AITArainbow2022

Source: AITArainbow2023

Source: AITArainbow2024

Source: AITArainbow2025

So, the problem is the four-year-old kid who is a little bit of a chore. Would you do the same as OP if you were in her situation? However, firstly, let's see what people said about the whole thing.

It can be seen that the majority of people agreed that OP was not an a**hole. See more of their reactions here.