Shady Girls Who Fished For Compliments Way Too Hard On Facebook

Daniel Figaro

How to act like a decent human being? It's all about being honest and humble, helping others, obeying the laws, and being responsible. You know, a simple act of kindness can make someone's day. A compliment, for example. Ages and genders, religions and nationalities alike, we all love it when others recognize our good features, even little ones. Like, walking down the street, and a stranger tells you that your hair and makeup look perfect. Then, we bet that you'll feel happy for the whole day.
Yeah, it feels great when we receive a compliment. But let it come naturally. Some people seem like they are actively hinting at others to compliment them. That's just awkward. But yes, it's true. Girls in the pictures below are fishing for compliments on their Facebook. And as you may guess, it's not going anywhere near what they expected. So, pack your bags and join us on this Facebook fishing trip. Let's go!

#1 The real slim shady

Source: YouAreCorrectt

#2 This is going to get ugly

Source: Pinterest

#3 Fish to fry

Source: HelloMyNameIsToast

#4 Ain't that the tooth?

Source: Pinterest

#5 Unfollow

Source: Memedroid

#6 Born in the wrong decade

Source: throwmeaway20122_

#7 Don't take the bait

Source: Knallkopp465