Former Google Employee Discloses How Company Tricks Them Into Working More By Offering Free Perks In The Office

Daniel Figaro

In the last several years, we have seen a lot of changes in the job market and workforce. The number of employees quitting their jobs vaulted to 4.5 million in the last September, the highest on record. This Great Resignation makes people reconsider the pros and cons of having a job. Is your job really worth your time and effort? Do you feel happy when working for that company? What does that job give you, excluding salary?
It looks like people are heading for a more flexible working environment. According to statistics, 73% of workers now prefer the hybrid workplace model where they can switch between working inside and outside the office. Employees typically enjoy more autonomy and better work-life balance. And as a result, they work more effectively. Working from 9 to 5 in the office seems not that desirable anymore. Many will even ditch their office jobs altogether.
However, companies know what they can do to keep their employees. Salary is one thing; the benefit is another thing to consider. Big companies usually offer great free perks in their office. And well, it works. Take Google, for example. Normally, it's not easy to have insights about the benefit of a company, especially big ones like this. But luckily, we have an insider. Former Google employee Ken Waks reveals the "dark reasons" behind the company's amazing perks. Let's check them out.

#1 Ken Waks worked at one of the most influential companies in existence, Google for quite some time. Before he got the offer from Google, he held the Directory Executive position at Yelp’s local business

Source: Ken Waks

#2 His reaction when he visited the Google campus was like an enormous WOW. That was like a dream for anyone who loves tech jobs. But, everything has a reason

Source: Ken Waks

#3 "At Google, you get three square meals a day for free. But dinner would start at like 6-6:30 PM, so you had to stay late working more to get free food."

Source: Ken Waks

#4 "My favorite part was the shuttle. They would start at 6:00 AM in the morning, they would run home till 10:00 PM at night. And they had wifi on them, so you would work while on the shuttle."

Source: Ken Waks

#5 "I love that you can bring your dog to the office and that the offices are dog-friendly, but in reality, they did that so you would not leave the office to go take care of your dog."

Source: Ken Waks


Source: Ken Waks


Source: Mario Gogh


Source: Ken Waks

#9 Google provides many types of Entertainment for their employees, but the reason behind that seems a little bit dark. "All of these perks are designed to keep you working there longer and harder for less money than you would at a traditional 9-5 because they're taking care of everything else."

Source: Ken Waks


Source: Ken Waks

#11 Well, this seemed unfair for some people as their benefit was not even that great








