17 Cringe-worthy Tattoo Fails Permanently Stuck On These People's Bodies

Daniel Figaro

Getting a tattoo is simple. You go to the tattoo shop, choose the pic, symbol, or whatever you want to be inked to your body, then they'll do it for you. Yeah, that's the theory. But, everyone who has got a tattoo knows that it'll take much more consideration to get it done. Apart from choosing the design, choosing where and who to get your tattoo done is also very important. And the fact is, getting an ugly tattoo will be the worst nightmare of all tattoo lovers.
Well, whether it's because the tattooist is just terrible or the concept is plain horrible, the legacy will be permanently there. The consequence of unplanned actions is usually not good, and there's nothing more visible than a tattoo fail. And don't think that your mistake can be undone. Laser removal can partly remove your tattoo, but it'll completely remove you from social life and beach vacations. Below are some of the most cringe-worthy tattoo fails we found on the internet. Keep them as a reminder to be careful every time you want to get a tattoo.

#1 It is supposed to be a Pepsi symbol

Source: bookofjudasss

#2 Take this one to the graveyard

Source: Background-Area6720

#3 Getting a tattoo of a medical illustration

Source: Weeperblast

#4 God me all you want

Source: rummmil

#5 We totally get why it was only ".$30"

Source: Master-Confusion

#6 That's not a knife this is a knife

Source: norolls

#7 Self-post. My sh*tsons family

Source: OGMudChicken

#8 My boyfriend's tattoo I have to look at every night

Source: Ok_General9620

#9 My sister-in-law’s lovely tattoo

Source: uncertainpeppery

#10 Guy I matched with on Tinder is a tattoo artist...

Source: hotp0tat

#11 This one puzzles me

Source: WandaLovingLegend

#12 Those eyes...

Source: kzyzzz

#13 This is plain bad

Source: NokiaOG

#14 So this is "Women" or "Venom"

Source: ihatedmylastusername

#15 Tell me you're unemployed without telling me

Source: lardicus1

#16 Bob looks kinda funky

Source: mimikyuwo

#17 Ooooo la la

Source: kma209