35 Of The Most Hilarious Test Answers From Kids

Daniel Figaro

Tests were once about reflecting on the things we learned. Learning is a long, continuous process, and without regular exams, it's hard to know if students have learned anything. Education is important. And tests were at all of their seriousness, at least that was what we thought. Fairly to say, long gone the time when we got smacked on the hands for writing and drawing "inappropriate answers" on our tests. For kids these days, it's more about showing they're smart kids than giving the right answers.
Getting a wrong answer used to be a shame for any student. However, the world has changed, and how students are doing now is also different. Why bother giving lame, indifferent answers while you can write down sassy words and goofy pictures? Well, kids these days indeed care more about showing their creativity and brilliant sense of humor. We all need a little fun at school, right? So, even though kids sometimes give incorrect answers, teachers still appreciate and give them some points for their efforts. Alright, don't care about where the world is going just yet. Let's scroll down and check out some of the funniest test answers from kids in the list below.

#1 Kids know the issue

Source: Internet

#2 That's me, 100 year in the future

Source: Internet

#3 Suck it up, kids

Source: Internet

#4 Who can argue with this?

Source: Internet

#5 Poor little Miranda

Source: Internet

#6 Very concise

Source: Internet

#7 That's it

Source: Internet

#8 One solution to all your problem

Source: Internet

#9 Now they all have nice names

Source: Internet

#10 Seem legit

Source: Internet

#11 Count to six

Source: Internet

#12 Guide him? Easy task!

Source: Internet

#13 Yes, you're a smart kid

Source: Internet

#14 That would be...one foot ball?!

Source: Internet

#15 Pro tips on how to show up late for class

Source: Internet

#16 Good advice

Source: Internet

#17 What else could it be?

Source: Internet

#18 Yes, probably

Source: Internet

#19 Take the risk

Source: Internet

#20 Fight for your life!

Source: Internet

#21 What a magical moment...

Source: Internet

#22 Yes, but you probably should not do it

Source: Internet

#23 Wrong? Impossible!

Source: Internet

#24 Don't hit the dog!

Source: Internet

#25 Nice choice

Source: Internet

#26 How did this kid not get in trouble?

Source: Internet

#27 *Faint*

Source: Internet

#28 No one will remember

Source: Internet

#29 Very funny, Peter!

Source: Internet

#30 I get it every single time

Source: Internet

#31 Not gonna show you

Source: Internet

#32 Bet that's a girl

Source: Internet

#33 The important one is still correct

Source: Internet

#34 Hi, I'm Word Bank

Source: Internet

#35 Now lots of banks

Source: Internet