The 18 Best Ironic Bosses Found In "Bossfight" Subreddit

Daniel Figaro

If you play games, you'll understand that exciting, partly nervous feeling when you make it to the last stage of the game. It's thought that you have prepared everything for this final battle, and are ready to go all-in, but no. So far, so good, but wait to see that final boss waiting behind that door. The boss, with its unparalleled power, in a few moves, swipes you back to the first stage and laughs at all your efforts.
That indescribable frustration is the main reason why boss fights have been a central meme trope for decades. And not only in games, but people also stumble upon such similar situations in real-life. Well, without the HP bar and the ability to do over, would you like to give it a try? Of course, bosses in games are much scarier than these real-life equivalents. Sometimes, instead of the formidable boss aura, what people feel when encountering them is more like irony and awkwardness. Wanna check them out? Let's scroll down and give them a look!

#1 Octo-Baby, Defender of the Couch

Source: VoidTraveler2580

#2 The Adblocker

Source: PeasKhichra

#3 Queen Elizabeth, Ruler of Eternity

Source: ErrieBRO

#4 Ngeny Terell, the blood poison man

Source: oppsyspaguetti

#5 The sour patch kids, the united ones

Source: Captainaneurysm

#6 Duolingo the impaler of fools who forget about their Romanian lesson

Source: oaiagamer

#7 Bamboozler, Conqueror of Vietnam


#8 Mr. Meow, ruler of the car, biggest glass destroyer

Source: -_HelloThere_-

#9 Milk knight, Degreaser of bones, Master of being bullied in school

Source: OazMobile

#10 CARROTIMUS Doom vegetable, feeds on your dreams and can benchpress your weight

Source: ProblemLongjumping12

#11 Buff bouncer pigeons

Source: Dbfbufoc

#12 The pillar of corruption, owner of windows licenses, bringer of BSODs

Source: Hibraelsom16

#13 The fox of nine tales, Unleashed bringer of darkness

Source: Redactedsoul111

#14 Air India Destroyer of the Skies

Source: Bananinio

#15 Mumen Rider, the true hero

Source: Asian_in_the_tree

#16 The Armed Amputee, armed with a foam cannon!

Source: Bulldku

#17 Ancient Beastmaster and Heavenly YikYak, guardians of the sacred land

Source: allbirdssongs

#18 Jesus with the infinity gauntlet approaches

Source: Wipuxine22