Hilarious Comics That Speak The Inner Thoughts Of All Retail Employee

Daniel Figaro

If you feel that your current job is so boring, how about changing to another one? Want a job that gives you an emotional rollercoaster ride every day? Don't be surprised, but that's technically every day at work of any retail employee. And not just that. Working in retail means that all types of people will show up to teach you a lesson on how to master your feelings. Yeah, sometimes it's fun, and sometimes it sucks. But you'll never get bored because it's a new day every day.
Artist Stephen Beals see this colorful life of retail employees, and he believes that it should be shared with all of us. So, he created hilarious retail comics that practically spoke the inner thoughts of every retail worker. You know, working in such a chaotic environment, you'll need a good sense of humor to turn all those bullsh*t into something else, a joke, for example. And as fellow employees, we tip our hats to those who work that long hour, with a wide range of people, and for a very low wage. You guys are the true heroes!

#1 I've been here before

Source: stbeals

#2 Can't agree more on this

Source: stbeals

#3 No, why do you think I will?

Source: stbeals

#4 I wait until the end of the day just to do this

Source: stbeals

#5 Please wear your mask, sir!

Source: stbeals

#6 Common problem of all cashiers

Source: stbeals

#7 Good manners cost you something?

Source: stbeals

#8 You need me but I'm already occupied

Source: stbeals

#9 Hope you enjoy texting with my grandma

Source: stbeals

#10 And that moment you realize: you're now the master of your life

Source: stbeals

#11 Too much already, I think I need no more

Source: stbeals

#12 Well, someone has the audacity to say that

Source: stbeals

#13 Taking a nap at work can be risky at times

Source: stbeals

#14 The worst work dream

Source: stbeals

#15 A horrible show is technically our everyday life

Source: stbeals

#16 I'll not wait any longer, I quit, and it's all because of you

Source: stbeals

#17 There's always an option

Source: stbeals

#18 That ideal job

Source: stbeals

#19 How to make the most of your day off

Source: stbeals

#20 The rare moment we feel great working in this industry

Source: stbeals