Women Shared The Most Ridiculous Things They Have Ever Been Mansplained

Daniel Figaro

Here is a question for all ladies, have you ever been mansplained about anything? Well, you know, it's like when a man starts explaining something to (most likely) a woman in a condescending or patronizing way. But the thing is that the woman probably knows even better than the man. It's kind of frustrating when people do this. Assuming that others do not know anything and acting like you're superior is not cool at all. Sometimes, that stupid action can backfire right on you.
Recently, on Valentine's Day, user J_Dot_J asked women on Twitter about the most stupid things that have been mansplained to them. This tweet went viral and received tons of replies in no time. And here, we have selected some of the best responses to present to you in the list below. Let's scroll down and check them out. Maybe you can find your situation in some of these tweers.


Source: J_Dot_J


Source: ntyravgdramaqun


Source: Chalicechick


Source: Ringwraith10


Source: CashmereTights


Source: christenlabelle


Source: GidgetWA


Source: ProfLCB


Source: EricaTastrofee


Source: jjturlington


Source: JudyHallHoward


Source: jennrek


Source: TunedMassDamsel


Source: sommertothill


Source: celanousconcern


Source: sarah_edo


Source: Laura_Byrnes


Source: TMRobertshfx


Source: Urstastic


Source: selene_may


Source: DLCinAK


Source: many_bells_down


Source: liz272


Source: AndreaBoyack


Source: WutzkeMegan


Source: Bo_Gardiner


Source: EthickingStacie


Source: GaetaAmy


Source: gabrielle_h


Source: cagoldberglaw