30 People Who Are Having A Very, Very Bad Day At Work

Daniel Figaro

You're probably familiar with people sharing their worst day experiences. It may be when one accidentally locks themselves out without a key or when one gets out of the car and drop their keys right into a gutter hole. Not a big deal when compared to other mistakes, but it's still frustrating. And today, we're glad to bring you a whole new compilation that gathers the worst moments of employees at work.
Well, it's beyond your worst day if it involves other people. And down below, people are sharing with us their terrible day at work through 30 pics. It's sad when someone's worst day can probably create an equally terrible day for others. But what can we do? Like, when you work at a garage and you break a car in half. It's doomed for you, and probably your boss. Well, some worst days are certainly worse than others. Let's scroll down and check them out now!

#1 I cleaned the cat’s litter box and brought the bag with me to throw away in my outdoor trash can on the way to work. I also brought my lunch. Guess which one got thrown away and which one came to work with me

Source: Eric264

#2 Guy dropped a $40,000 pallet of glass on his first day

Source: MrTenenbaum7

#3 My friend got a new haircut at work, and it was free

Source: imgur

#4 Fell on this at work. Holes are all about half-inch deep

Source: mithrilbong

#5 This pillar was straight last week. This is the first floor of a seven-floor building

Source: VreniCZek

#6 My girlfriend got nailed at work

Source: chrystal-mighties

#7 So I started work as a beekeeper last week...

Source: F*ckler_boi

#8 Actually had to put this sign up in the bathroom at my work

Source: surbauer

#9 My friend works as an extra in Movies and does stock photography.... just saw him pictured as a sex offender on a bus in Florida

Source: devandangers

#10 Keeps pecking the window and shouting at me while I'm trying to work

Source: reddit

#11 The one time the toner exploded at work while switching it out. You can see where I was at that exact moment

Source: paochow

#12 Flew in a helicopter for the first time at work, the pilot’s helmet wasn’t calming

Source: drdoom

#13 Can we turn on our cameras, please?

Source: bonitasaph

#14 Started work this morning, put my headset on, felt something furry in my ear, looked and there is a bat in my headset

Source: soulhacler

#15 When I worked at a dog daycare (I'd bring my dog with me, duh) I once got off from work and was SO HUNGRY I left without him. XD My manager sent me this picture about 10 minutes later saying "you forgot something". His expression is perfect

Source: powergirlpanties

#16 Coworker let me know after the meeting that I looked naked and pissed off the whole time!

Source: lindseyyisrad420

#17 Just slipped on ice and tore my favorite jeans. Now I gotta go a whole shift at work with my bright orange boxers on show

Source: TheAnonymousDoom

#18 So I found out that my shoes have a hole in them... At the urinal at work

Source: AFallingWall

#19 /r/allI picked something up at work, all of a sudden my leg started to hurt, I reached into the pocket at my leg and realized that my spare blade made it out of the case somehow

Source: NixonXIV

#20 My wife just got this huge banner for work. Perfect

Source: heymanitsdan

#21 Minus 41°c and no one to let me in to work.

Source: Dazd95

#22 What McDonald's got us (at least my branch of McDonald’s) for our work during the pandemic...

Source: furry-d*ckwithhair

#23 A fly managed to slip into my coffee at work. Fortunately, I spit him out all over my keyboard

Source: MyAniumYourAnium

#24 My friend went to work with a pair of underwear hanging out of her pants all-day

Source: reddit

#25 Was given a heat-sensitive mug for a work meeting...

Source: Camplaysgames

#26 The windows where I work like to explode every month or so

Source: Morg1603

#27 I do calligraphy. I misplaced the circled in character, which is part of a 300-word scroll that I almost finished after 5 days of work, 200 characters in

Source: SomeFoolishHooman

#28 I work as a Valet.. told him he had to park it himself

Source: MADMAV89

#29 I work with an office full of sadists

Source: NoTick

#30 Bought 60 doughnuts for the office today to celebrate my 20th birthday, only to be told I need to self isolate/ work from home for the next week

Source: Peencub