In a particular field of job, expertise means everything. Somebody may look young, but if they have experience, they can work in a much higher position than you might think. However, sometimes even experienced employees can have struggles involving promotions if they don't have a degree. Unfair as this may sound, but as an employee, our voices cannot make any change.
The employee in the story below is in the same situation. After a couple of years working at the entry-level, he asked for consideration. However, he got turned down as he didn't have an MBA, which was one of the requirements. So, his boss, instead, gave him an offer where he would get a raise to do the job of the higher position, but without the title and benefits. That worked for him. And after a year, when it came time for him to cash out his PTO and leave, he blindsided his boss with the amount of PTO he had stored up.
The employee in the story below is in the same situation. After a couple of years working at the entry-level, he asked for consideration. However, he got turned down as he didn't have an MBA, which was one of the requirements. So, his boss, instead, gave him an offer where he would get a raise to do the job of the higher position, but without the title and benefits. That worked for him. And after a year, when it came time for him to cash out his PTO and leave, he blindsided his boss with the amount of PTO he had stored up.
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***
Source: ChrisHansenF***