20 Times People Make Mistakes That Leave Them Speechless While Everyone Else Laughs Hard

Daniel Figaro

We bet you heard about this saying: anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Yeah, that's Murphy's law. But is it true that everything tends to go wrong? Well, there's by far no definite answer to this question. But we're sure that there's always a wrong way (or maybe more) to do something. It will go wrong if you give it a chance. It sounds like we need to stay super focused all the time, huh?
In any given situation, if there is a way to end something in disaster, then someone will do it that way. And sometimes, the one who messes up is nobody else but us ourselves. We make mistakes. And our first reaction would be denial, then blaming, and finally acceptance. Sometimes, we make mistakes that leave us speechless but make others laugh hard. Take a look at the pictures below, and you'll see. We feel sorry for these people, but it's just too funny not to laugh.

#1 I knew those pancakes smelled weird

Source: JoEdGus

#2 My cola exploded inside the freezer

Source: ReformedShady

#3 It’s 3 a.m. Everyone’s asleep and I’ve been trying to get out of my room for 30 minutes

Source: PhaseKoko

#4 I mean, I didn’t want to eat it anyway

Source: alico127

#5 Apparently, my scissors couldn’t handle this bottle

Source: SimonTVesper

#6 Today, this is what happened to me when I got home after another 13-hour workday

Source: Blotzkrieg

#7 I wore shorts to work last night because it was 75 degrees out, and this is what it looked like outside this morning after my shift

Source: PhatedGaming

#8 I picked up the salt jar and...

Source: heythereitssteve

#9 I thought I was being clever by picking the biggest sandwich in the case. It was just bread

Source: garfrabble

#10 I got some watermelon to celebrate the hot weather, but Canadian winter came back

Source: ndaoust

#11 First night of vacation and we go to pull out the sofa bed for the kids. Suddenly, we hear a loud crunching sound. Our son’s iPhone fell between the cushions and got caught in the hinges of the bed frame

Source: flippity_dippity_doo

#12 Never go to bed after you’ve applied pimple cream. Now I have this haute couture IKEA pillowcase

Source: SerGo_o

#13 Dropped my cologne in my sink

Source: BobbySevenKnuckles

#14 My mom washed my favorite sweater. Is this the new ’lewk’?

Source: PhilEshaDeLox

#15 I’ve heard of ’painting yourself into a corner,’ but my wife took it a step further

Source: power-cube

#16 My mom was just finishing cleaning the kitchen and then spilled a bag of chia seeds on the ground

Source: Streetcar21

#17 I was mowing the lawn for the first time this season and the mower picked up a rock and shot it through my front door


#18 I dropped a pot through my parents’ stove top while putting dishes away

Source: laughableInflection

#19 My husband just wanted some crackers and cheese

Source: TheShizknitt

#20 My 7-year-old daughter managed to break a LEGO

Source: oj81