Woman Asks If She's Wrong To Take Her Dog Away From Her Mother, And Redditors Say "NO"

Susanna Grace

Just ask some dog owners and they'll tell you a dozen of reasons why you should raise a dog. These furballs always know to make us feel happy and relieved after stressful working hours. The companionship they share with us is something we all love and appreciate.
Therefore, losing a pet is not easy, especially when it becomes so close to us. It will take quite a long time to grieve over a deceased dog who used to be a part of our life. That's the story Redditor kokihi_55 brought to us telling how her mother's life was impacted after she lost her dog, Lucy.
Lucy passed away from cancer just after the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, which upset the mother so much. Before that, Lucy formed an instant friendship with a dog she met at the shelter, Dexter, whom the OP adopted soon after.
The mom, however, seemed not to really like Dexter at first. But after Lucy's death, she started treating Dexter like mother and son. She became possessive of the dog thinking that it was Lucy's offspring. Of course, that was something the OP couldn't agree with. Have a look at the full post below.

Source: kokihi_55

Source: kokihi_56

Source: kokihi_57

Source: kokihi_58

The OP wanted her mom to understand that Dexter was not hers. When the mom denied that, she decided to stop allowing her mother to keep the dog. She would no longer bring it along whenever she came to visit her. She wanted to know whether she is TA for doing that.
An overview of Redditor's responses shows that the OP is not at fault. Some people sympathy with the mom's emotional damage after losing her dog, but they think she is trying to replace Lucy with Dexter.

Source: kokihi_59

It's about time for the mom to get a new dog after two years of living without her companion, Lucy.

Source: kokihi_60

However, it is the way the OP reacted that makes their problem more complicated and harder to be solved. People suggest that she try to talk with her mom again so that she knows about her behaviors and she should be warned about it.

Source: kokihi_61

Source: kokihi_62

Dexter is the OP's dog, so no one else can claim it from her. It is her right to either give it to someone or take it back from someone.

Source: kokihi_63

More and more people are taking the side of the OP.

Source: kokihi_64

Source: kokihi_65

Source: kokihi_66