40 Sad Animal-Fact Comics By Brooke Barker, How Many Of Them Do You Know?

Susanna Grace

There are many things about mother Nature that stay unknown to us, humans. And the Animal Kingdom, as a part of Nature, holds various surprising facts for us to discover. That's why many people have an interest in animals. Some love to do it as a hobby, others choose to spend their whole life studying these creatures and gaining some new knowledge they've never heard about them. Well, for Brooke Barker the comic artist, she studies animals because of both reasons. With huge love for animals, the artist is inspired to spend more time on them, searching for new facts and getting excited about what she's found out.
Barker decides to share what she learned through the comic series "Sad animals facts", which is such an informative channel to any animal person. Her drawings are so adorable, and the animals (even scary ones) are made to be cuter and friendlier. On her Instagram followed by 440K people, the artist constantly updates hundreds of posts giving sad animal facts, and here are forty of them. If you want to know more, please visit her Instagram via this link.

#1. Shrews shrink their brains in the winter.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#2. Some moths drink the tears of sleeping birds.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#3. A flesh-eating slug's spit destroys most materials.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#4. Cats can't taste sweet things.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#5. Though it doesn't have ears, a spider can hear you from across the room using vibration.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#6. An octopus lives alone and leaves home only when absolutely necessary.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#7. Frogs eats their skin after they shed it.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#8. Cuttlefish remember meals they ate last week.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#9. A sloth can starve to death with a full stomach.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#10. Kiwis can remember a bad memory for five years.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#11. Bees have 5 eyes.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#12. Male anglerfish attach themselves to females permanently.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#13. Bats have long-distance relationships.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#14. Termites usually mate for life, but if a pair doesn't split, they will attack each other and sometimes bite off limbs.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#15. Carbs have teeth in their stomach.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#16. Humboldt penguin can expel their poop up to 4 feet away.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#17. If no seeds are available, vampire finches drink the blood of nearby birds.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#18. A group of meerkats in danger will stand together to look like one larger animal.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#19. One species of turtle can pee out its mouth.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#20. Some fish eggs can hatch after being digested by a swan.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#21. Garden lizards eat their own tails for calcium.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#22. If swallowed by a frog, a regimbartia beetle crawls through its digestive system and out the other end.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#23. Shyness helps prawns survive.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#24. A pelican's mouth can hold more than its stomach.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#25. Most electric fish emit charges of electricity that are too weak for self-defense.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#26. Because eucalyptus leaves are too toxic for baby koalas, they eat predigested eucalyptus after their mom poops it.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#27. A 'murder hornet; can kill forty bees in a minute.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#28. Birds that run into windows are often attacking their reflection.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#29. Axolotls never grow up.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#30. A horse can produce a gallon of sweat an hour.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#31. Goldfish are often cited as having a 30second memory, but they can actually remember things for 5 months.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#32. Cats can recognize human voices but don't care.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#33. A roonspoor's three heads often attack each other, with two heads working together to bite off the third.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#34. Monkeys grow less social as they age.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#35. If a female fox dies, her mate will stay single forever, but widowed female foxes looked for a new mate immediately.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#36. A regimbartia beetle can crawl through a frog's digestive system and force it to poop in six minutes.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#37. If a spittlebug were the size of a human, it would excrete over 2700 gallons of urine a day.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#38. In 2017, a new species of night frog small enough to sit on a thumbnail was discovered.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#39. In 2017, scientists rediscovered a deep-sea faceless fish that look like two rear-ends of a fish put together.

Source: sadanimalfacts

#40. Leopards are almost invisible when in trees.

Source: sadanimalfacts