We have compiled a list of 40 funny life hacks from this group and other subreddits, and they can save you time, money, and hassle. Scroll down to check them out for yourself right now. Maybe you can find the hack that you are looking for. Don't forget to vote for the most useful tips. And share this list with those who are needing help. If this list is not enough for you, check out more funny life hacks from part one here.
#1. Look at this
Source: laurenwazenn
#2. Use a mask to cover your hatchet and protect the blade, you, and your things!
Source: Successful_Curve6849
#3. How I stay focused
Source: Fearless-Lion9703
Every time I notice myself being distracted by thoughts or urges to do something unproductive. I scrunch up a little piece of paper and put it into a jar. Next time it happens, the jar reminds me how I got back to focusing on my task and how easy it was to get rid of distractions
#4. Had to add a large amount of fresh pepper to a dish. Worked like a charm
Source: cjc883
#5. Ice cream tastes great in coffee when you’ve run out of creamer
Source: mybathtubistoosmall
#6. Wipe disposal when cleaning filthy ceiling fans on a ladder…
Source: alg3braist
#7. Hack for drying the Toilet brush
Source: callMeSIX
#8. Try the lemon method under the salmon to avoid burning your fish
Source: julialopezz
#9. Wifey wanted a family pic for the holidays so used these clips as a phone stand
Source: 664designs
#10. Alternative solution to keep ants away from doughnuts
Source: A4IRA
#11. Girlfriend's mom pd it out
Source: geo4774
#12. When your iPhone doesn’t charge as it used to no more…
Source: mrgenetrey
#13. Soup ladle to transfer paint. 3$, super easy to clean and no mess. I'm a genius
Source: Edithosaure
#14. Hack for bathroom stalls that don’t have a hook to hang your purse- Maybe the door lock can be used to hold it
Source: CSWRB
#15. Use a chain to hang your clothes to get more space in your closet
Source: WarningImBroken
#16. Drink your coffee right away, without watering it down
Source: duff_daddy3
#17. Keep your shopping bags from falling over in the car
Source: GreenDad420
#18. I kept losing my chopsticks in the dishwasher. Now they stay put!
Source: MadFxMedia
#19. Turn any desk into a standing desk with milk crates
Source: [deleted]
#20. Finally a place to put stuff while working in the garage
Source: Puppyismycat
#21. Swiffer using old sock instead of refills
Source: assbagger321
#22. So everyone knows about the cupholder.. but the real ones remember the fry holder
Source: Informal-Lead-4324
#23. I use a hairpin to mark the end of my duct tape
Source: Rough3Years
#24. Chain cleaning device
Source: valcatrina
#25. Managing the Keyboard Stomper
Source: Axuss3
#26. Chopstick + 2 Rubber Bands = all the toothpaste in the tube
Source: CaramelTHNDR
#27. The sun never enters my bedroom, mirror outside to reflect it in
Source: uncharmedsoul
#28. Sick kid? The silicone bibs with a pocket aren't just great for catching food *during* meal time, they're also great for catching food *after* meal time!
Source: Mistborn2064
#29. Lost the backing for my battery holder and used a hair tie instead to hold them
Source: Pokeboy99
#30. For Parents. Chip clip sucker stand
Source: COulti_mIT_USer
#31. My daughter's job only allows black pants and no rips. Her normal pair was still in the washer so she hacked it. Will it work?
Source: IndoorNewb
#32. Broke one of the rings on my shower curtain today. Here's my life hack
Source: AaronTiberius
#33. Life hacks
Source: Dimpova
#34. Winter life pro tips
Source: rightcoastguy
#35. My bf solution to hold the spoon while he eats cereals
Source: Nianx
#36. Neighbor's tortoise escaped and walked almost a street away. At around 250 pounds, this was their solution to get her home!
Source: sweetsugr25
#37. This person's awesome solution to covering up a large dent on their car
Source: AmBull1216
#38. I kept losing my son during the family reunion. He just started walking, so I found a solution to keep tabs on him
Source: mynickname86
#39. A farmer's solution to a goat who kept getting his head stuck in a fence
Source: DenebVegaAltair
#40. My brother found a creative solution to his razor problem
Source: [deleted]