20 Illustrations From 'Normalize Normal Bodies' Campaign Against Body Shaming And Gender Prejudice

Susanna Grace

If there's something that makes human beings more and more disgusting, I'd say it's prejudice. "Woman should have smooth skin, and should be in a good shape", "Business is only for men, women are born to take care of children and do household chores", or "Tattoos are bad". Such prejudice and body shaming are nothing but the barriers that prevent us from building up a better world. We need to learn to love our bodies and be carefree with 'less positive words' from other people. If it is our life, it's our choice. So don't let anyone ruin your life.
With this message, artist Planet Prudence has run her campaign called 'Normalize Normal Bodies'. This is a meaningful campaign that helps reduce body shaming and raise people's awareness of gender equality. Through her illustrations, Prudence wants people to understand that they (woman or man) should be treated equally, and that what people look like doesn't decide who they are or will be.
Let's have a look at her lovely drawings in this project. If you love it, please share this post with your family and friends.

#1. "Bras have different shapes and sizes just like our bodies and our breasts. Don’t you think it’s absolutely 100% normal that bra bulges happen?"

Source: planetprudence

#2.  "I always struggled with my skin, get acne on a variety of places on my body. I would recommend to anyone is to freaking LOVE yourself and the skin you were given."

Source: planetprudence

#3. "Do you agree?"

Source: planetprudence

#4. "Let’s show more of our skin, let’s show exactly who we are."

Source: planetprudence

#5. "Double chin is part of our normal human bodies! Love it and flaunt it like you would with any other beautiful curve on our bodies."

Source: planetprudence

#6. "As a society, we still often neglect that men are dealing with insecurities and that society tells them they should “man up” is just an idiot way to ignore their feelings in my honest opinion."

Source: planetprudence

#7. "Did you know that 1 out of 3 women has hyperpigmented armpits? It’s just a common spot where we can get hyperpigmentation of the skin."

Source: planetprudence

#8. "Back acne is caused by hormones, sweat, a lack of hygiene, wrong diet, medications, stress, it can even be just genetics (it can be literally anything, like maybe cause we’re human..?)"

Source: planetprudence

#9. "Leave that thigh gap where we should’ve left it back in 2008 and love your body, love your life."

Source: planetprudence

#10. "The size of the body is not an indicator that measures how much we deserve to be loved!"

Source: planetprudence

#11. "Learning to love your body is learning to love yourself."

Source: planetprudence

#12. "Let’s break the stigma around feminists. There is a HUGE misconception around feminists that feminists are career women who hate women who are at home taking care of their kids."

Source: planetprudence

#13. "There is no immediate and exponential growth when it comes to learning to accept and love your body as it is and as it changes."

Source: planetprudence

#14. "Tattoos don’t decrease someone’s value, it doesn’t invalidate someone’s skill and passion, it doesn’t make someone a criminal."

Source: planetprudence

#15. "A bra that is not necessarily made for that particular body type. "

Source: planetprudence

#16. "Mental health issues and even vulnerability is still more often than not seen as a sign of weakness by employers."

Source: planetprudence

#17.  "Whether your a man or a woman, I think we can all agree that in this day and age, we should all be feminists, right?"

Source: planetprudence

#18. "Our society still hangs on to the fact that women should be nurses and men should be electricians for example. I know women who are amazing electricians and I have to shout out my brother for being a more passionate and talented nurse than he ever was."

Source: planetprudence

#19. "It’s okay to be most comfortable when you feel lonely in large crowds. It’s okay to be the kind of person who loves to be in crowds."

Source: planetprudence

#20. "It’s absolutely normal to experience breakouts. It is not something to be ashamed of and definitely not something we should feel like we are supposed to be hiding."

Source: planetprudence