Artist Illustrates The Pain Of Losing Loved Ones In Heartbreaking Story

Susanna Grace

Have you ever experienced the loss of someone important in life? Well, while people always say no one lives forever, they can really feel how painful it is when someone they love passes away. It might take several years, decades, or even the whole life for our sadness to fade away.
Aware of how devastating it is to deal with a loss and sudden loneliness, Philadelphia artist Tom Booth decided to illustrate those feelings through his heartbreaking drawings. He has become a successful illustrator and author in the field of art. After years of working in the career, Tom Booth has earned his reputation through well-known illustrations such as ‘This Is Christmas’, ‘Day at the Beach’, and ‘Don’t Blink!’
In February, he and his team launched a project called Pine. It tells the story of a woodworker who can't forget a woman he's been deeply in love with. The poor man keeps carving her in wood to keep her memory alive until finally, he can hold her in his arms.
According to Tom Booth, the illustrations about the woodworker and his lovers are just a part of the heartbreaking story, which he going to publish soon. Follow him on Instagram for more updates on the story!
But today, let us reveal with you some beautiful drawings of the project 'Pine, the story of woodworker'.

#1. "I miss you..."

Source: Tom Booth

#2. "Where can I find you now?"

Source: Tom Booth

#3. "If only you could stay here with me, forever..."

Source: Tom Booth

#4. When someone you love goes away forever, it's hard to live alone with their memories.

Source: Tom Booth

#5. "I feel devastated to cope with sudden loneliness."

Source: Tom Booth

#6. "My love..."

Source: Tom Booth

#7. That touch...

Source: Tom Booth

#8. "I can feel you around!"

Source: Tom Booth

#9. Beautiful!

Source: Tom Booth

#10. "I'll never forget you."

Source: Tom Booth

#11. Heart-breaking!

Source: Tom Booth