We all have times when we spend money in the silliest way. Bring home stuff that is a little useable but costs a fortune, or invest money on something that has no benefit at all. Anyway, not every one of us is good at business. That's why all companies need a leader with a great vision.
And yet, even big companies can make mistakes, although they have not just one person but a whole department to manage their financial issues. Those wrong decisions can cost the companies billions of dollars and sometimes can even push them into bankruptcy. Scroll down and see amazingly dumb decisions companies made that they would wish they didn't.
And yet, even big companies can make mistakes, although they have not just one person but a whole department to manage their financial issues. Those wrong decisions can cost the companies billions of dollars and sometimes can even push them into bankruptcy. Scroll down and see amazingly dumb decisions companies made that they would wish they didn't.
Source: WickedCoolUsername
Source: hurr4drama
Source: fork_hands_mcmike
Source: Omniwing
Source: kkngs
Source: JoshBobJovi
Source: thehankinato
Source: heinzbumbeans
Source: RagnarDann3skj0ld
Source: Phil_Drill
Source: wildcharmander1992
Source: Aimaan-Zakaria
Source: Hattix
Source: SorosBuxlaundromat
Source: riderkicker
Source: oftenGetsItWrong
Source: TravelSizedBlonde
Source: theycallmemomo
Source: downtimeredditor
Source: audio_54