Tattoo Artists Share Their Worst Experiences With Ridiculous Customers

Daniel Figaro

Any job has its advantages and drawbacks. Some jobs earn you a lot of money, but in turn, cost you all your free time. Some others are easier, help you pay for the living and give you enough time to enjoy your life. The only thing is that you don't like that job as it's not your dream. And then, even when some people can turn their dreams into reality, dissatisfaction is always there.
People who work in art make money out of their talents and abilities. They must love their life and their career so much as they can live a life doing what they love to do. And yet, sometimes they also get stressed with their work, because of annoying customers. People who work in the service industry, specifically tattoo artists, will understand it. Some tattoo artists love their job as much as the awkwardness they have with ridiculous customers. They love to share their stories with us, too. So keep reading and have a good time with these hilarious stories below.


Source: SweaterZach


Source: Arcangel613


Source: Robotshavenohearts


Source: twentythree12


Source: StaceysDad


Source: jimmyrhcp


Source: allsfairinwar


Source: ediblenailpolish


Source: deadsocial


Source: delicious_tomato


Source: [deleted]


Source: CasiCasey


Source: PhilosophizingPanda


Source: TheConfirminator


Source: SirSneakyRafiki


Source: Aves_HomoSapien


Source: i_smell_bees


Source: cybersecurityjobhunt


Source: Ask_A_Sadist


Source: 100Dachshunds