Unusual Jobs Exist Only Because Humans Are Stupid

Daniel Figaro

We all know that sometimes people make stupid mistakes. And of course, people have to pay for what they do. So there's an idea. Why don't we create jobs that prevent people from making those mistakes? Well, we had. You know, sometimes, to prevent something stupid from happening, we have to do some other stupid things in advance.
Do you know about any job that exists only because of human stupidity? When Redditor u/DeityOfUnderworld26 asked the question: "What job exists because we are stupid?" people replied with some of the weirdest answers ever. While scrolling through the thread, we couldn't help but pick out some of the best ones to present to you. Keep reading to know more about them in the list below. Fairly speaking, it's pretty amusing to know about those hard-to-believe jobs. Enjoy.


Source: Brocktoberfest


Source: Wrest216


Source: cleatus_the_noodle


Source: Arntor1184


Source: ILike_bananas


Source: PhoneSteveGaveToTony


Source: RealMcGonzo


Source: DrDragon13


Source: Brandy_Alexander


Source: raelepei


Source: Secret4gentMan


Source: YoungDiscord


Source: crochetprozac


Source: Back2Bach


Source: thunderbirbthor


Source: _joj


Source: -eDgAR-