Having A Pure Black Pool May Sound Cool But It's Actually Not "Cool" At All

Daniel Figaro

If you can afford an expensive house with a pool, why not make your pool special? While many people are in love with gold and gemstones, they cover their house with those luxurious materials and call it aesthetic. Others are simply in love with pure black decorative products. And for them, a pool with black tiles is the most beautiful.
Yeah, the black color makes everything looks fancier and more mysterious. And scientists even invented a substance called Vantablack. It absorbs 99% of the light that comes to it. So any object that is covered with Vantablack will look like a void. Do you want to have a pool that looks like that? Maybe it sounds cool, but you may change your mind if you think again. Scroll down and see what'd happen if you build a pure black pool in your house.


Source: idontknowwhatthatmeans


Source: idontknowwhatthatmeans


Source: idontknowwhatthatmeans


Source: idontknowwhatthatmeans

Well, so the result is not as awesome as we thought, if not terrifying. That says ideas need to be verified before they come to reality.