Genius Solutions To Various Daily Life Problems People Posted On ‘Redneck Engineering’

Daniel Figaro

For some people, every day goes by like playing a puzzle. Each day, we have tasks to complete, problems to solve. If we play it well, we can have a good sleep at night and wake up all happy the next morning. But don't worry if you fail because it's just one among thousands of days you have. You can always play over and over again.
However, repeatedly doing something for too long leads to another problem, we'll eventually get bored. And to refresh, some people go beyond the limit to make difference. The Reddit community r/RedNeckEngineering is the place where you can find all the crazy and bizarre inventions. Check out the list below for some of the best ones that will inspire your creativity. But don't try these at home under any circumstances. Safety first!

#1 Fixed The Gate Problem...

Source: u/RenniieS

#2 Looks Level To Me

Source: u/lubberline

#3 For Remote Teaching Without A Document Camera

Source: Carmen Castrejón

#4 From Eastern Europe but fits here

Source: u/Lietuvis9

#5 Touchless Dispenser

Source: u/whatnicknametouse

#6 Found This Fork In My Brothers House And Asked Him Why He Had Done It.... Then He Ran Upstairs To Grab His iPad

Source: u/projectolivine

#7 Master Lock 100

Source: u/superkaifas

#8 When You Ask A Welder To Fix Something For You

Source: u/justshtmypnts

#9 Rear Parking Sensor

Source: Imgur

#10 My 12 Year Old Son Modified His Bike With Carpet For Barefoot Riding

Source: u/flaglerite

#11 We Needed To Disassemble A Shelf In An Office And We Didn’t Have A Mallet. Rubber Bands + Hammer = Mallet

Source: u/mnovelli2

#12 Use A Fishing Rod To Teach Your Son Baseball

Source: u/deathbord02

#13 Your Move, NASA

Source: u/may_sun

#14 Steering Wheel Broke, Needed To Finish The Yard. Thankfully I Know How To Drive A Stick

Source: u/unloaded_spoon

#15 Whoever Built This Might Have A Phd In Redneck Engineering

Source: u/Mr_PoodlePants

#16 Local Chinese Restaurant. The Entire Kitchen Is Walled Off With Plastic. There’s A Cardboard Flap To Pass Money, And The Box On The Right Acts As An Airlock With Two Flaps To Pass The Food Through. It’s All Plastic Sheet, Cardboard And Duct Tape

Source: u/gaia88

#17 I’m Bad For Using Whatever Tool Is Handy As A Hammer, Usually A Crescent Wrench. My Husband Learned A Bit Of Welding And Redneck Engineered This For My Birthday

Source: u/GingerMum

#18 Landlord Decided To Turn Down The Heat Today In My Mn Apartment As It Reached -40°. But The Idiot Must Have Forgotten He Pays My Electric And Doesn't Realize That I Value My Comfort Over Safety Or Energy Conservation

Source: JohannReddit

#19 Man Puts Chicken On Top Of Squeegee To Eat The Spiders Trapped In The Ceiling, Natural Pest Control

Source: u/kirikuku

#20 A Whole Crap Load Of Amish Guys Moving A Barn

Source: u/Habitual_Emigrant