Super Strange Things Exist In Life Of Millennials But Generation Z Doesn't Know About

Daniel Figaro

We all heard about millennials and Generation Z (Gen Z) these days. These two generations have many things in similar. They both grow up in the internet age. The millennials are the first global generation thanks to the internet. Gen Z takes advantage of this development later on. The world changed quickly in the last few decades. That's why even though the age difference between Gen Z and the millennial is not significantly big, the differences in their lives are surprisingly noticeable.
Within a few years, the world has changed completely. The things that were once familiar to all millennials can simply disappear in the time of Gen Z. Actually when millennials mention their childhood, there're so many things that Gen Z doesn't have a clue about. Learn about this strange but pretty interesting history lesson by scrolling down. We have compiled up a list of the most typical things that make any millennial feel old. And for Gen Z, do you know about these? Let's check them out now.


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