20 Things Actually Exist In The US That Non-American Can Hardly Believe

Daniel Figaro

The US is a diverse nation. As a multicultural society, people can see the Americans have so many things in common with people in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The society of the United States is pretty much alike to that of the Westerns. However, it also develops unique features that make the country stand out from the crowd.
Red solo cups, free refills, and bulk shopping are among the things that are common in the US but unfamiliar in other countries. There are so many more of these weird things that leave a question for all non-American. We have collected some of the best ones that not all non-native believe but turn out to be true. Do you know about these US-exclusive stuff? Keep scrolling down and check them out now.


Source: Tanerer


Source: TheHunterBB


Source: Kwickly1


Source: reheated_brew


Source: panda_1996


Source: Hamptaro


Source: DeeKaah


Source: RavynLearnsBadly


Source: PlaidSkirtBroccoli


Source: BeYourOwnDog


Source: [deleted]


Source: Wurdan


Source: [deleted]


Source: everydayboots


Source: _Warsheep_


Source: UncleIrohsGhost


Source: animal1988


Source: JassyKC


Source: Ricket_


Source: FinalGirl1990