After 10 Years Living In The UK, This American Finds So Many Things 'Still Weird As Hell' Here

Daniel Figaro

The UK and the US, two countries that are different in so many things. Even though people in these countries talk mostly in English, the UK has British English, the US has American English. And we don't think they are much alike. This aside, when an American goes to the UK, there are plenty of other things here that leave them a question.
For Jessica Rose, an American who has been living in the UK for 10 years, things remain as strange as the first time she came to this country. After all those years and she still finds so many things that she cannot understand. In this country, people drink beer by the pints. They celebrate mysterious Bank Holidays, several times a year. There are more strange things like these in the list below. We have collected them from Jessica's tweet and are glad to present them to you now. Let's scroll down and check them out.


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: Luisfdacunha


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: Lizsview


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: tommorris


Source: NotEnoughTECH


Source: AmyCohas


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose


Source: jesslynnrose