After An El Of A Fall, Baby Elephants Faceplants The Ground And Runs In Shame Toward Mother

Susanna Grace

People often say elephants never forget.
Well, for this adorable baby, as he starts remembering how to stand on his feet, the clumsy boy can't stop face-planting the ground. And that makes an adorable moment!
The hilarious scene when the naughty calf slipping and running in shame toward his mother was photographed by David Serradilla Galindo in South Africa.

Image: David Serradilla Galindo

"I felt delighted when I take the pictures because I was aware that I had experienced a magical and unique moment that few people can see or feel," David told the media.
"Our usual South African guides, who has 50 years of hunting experience, have never seen it – documenting the complex human behavior of a baby elephant."
"Even though I see it or feel it when I go on safari, it’s challenging to convey this concept with pictures."
According to David, the baby elephant behaved like a mischievous child despite the size of a small refrigerator. He was running around disturbing other elephants, splashing water and mud at them. The lovely creature was trying to get attention from his peers! All of a sudden, he fell down, landing his face and knees on the ground. The photographer was able to take some cute snaps of him.

Image: David Serradilla Galindo

After an el of the fall, the elephant was aware of the ridicule he faced. He felt embarrassed but quickly stood up quickly to find mother. His sound seemed like he was trying to say: "Mom... someone made the ground slippery. I have fallen and injured myself!"

Image: David Serradilla Galindo

David did think the moment would make everyone never bored to witness. "I think even adult elephants laugh at him," he said.
