Always think about the consequence before doing anything. Curiosity is good. It keeps people motivated to explore and learn more from the world out there. However, curiosity can also lead people to unpredicted danger. And the consequence can be nasty.
They say if you play stupid games, you'll win stupid prizes. And to prove that this statement is true, we have gathered some pieces of evidence in the list below. Some people didn't realize their ignorance when doing something, and what came to them was painfully hilarious. Scroll down and check them out now. Stay curious and always think twice.
They say if you play stupid games, you'll win stupid prizes. And to prove that this statement is true, we have gathered some pieces of evidence in the list below. Some people didn't realize their ignorance when doing something, and what came to them was painfully hilarious. Scroll down and check them out now. Stay curious and always think twice.
#1 Barber, Give Me That Walmart Bag Head
Source: Reddit
#2 Lesson Learned
Source: Reddit
#3 *Shocked Pikachu Face*
Source: NBC News
#4 Why On Earth Was That Necessary?
Source: Time / Twitter
#5 Well He Did Win The Case...
Source: Reddit
#6 The Ultimate Punishment
Source: The Independent / Facebook
#7 Not Very Smart
Source: Fox59 News / Twitter
#8 Justice Served
Source: ECR / Twitter
#9 What Could Go Wrong Parking In A Bus Spot?
Source: Reddit
#10 Who Could Have Seen This Coming?!
Source: Insider
#11 Is Gas Really That Expensive?
Source: Reddit
#12 "Sweet Eye Tattoo" Said No One Ever
Source: CBS 6 Richmond / Twitter
#13 And Everyone Cheered
Source: Reddit
#14 This Is Just Sad
Source: Fox News
#15 Don't Play With Crocs
Source: Unilad