15 Times People Make Conversations Much Funnier By Adding Unnecessary Math Equations

Daniel Figaro

Many people are afraid of math and numbers. Whenever it comes to calculating and measuring stuff, people simply feel dizzy and give it up right away. Well, if it's not the compulsory situation, they'll definitely not want to bring math into use. Yeah, calculations and measurements are for the cases when people want to do something seriously and convincingly. Or is it?
Sometimes people are just so meticulous that they want everything to be as precise as possible, even when it's absolutely trivial. Fairly speaking, even though adding calculations does make their points look more reliable, the whole thing becomes much more hilarious when they do so. We have compiled a list of funny situations when people do completely unnecessary calculations.  Check it out below and have a good time.

#1. He Did The Math And Accepts The Offer

Image source: CodeineKev

#2. That's A Lot Of Work

Image source: Lefty21

#3. Beamed By A Carrot

Image source: Leugim7734

#4. She Only Gets Stronger

Image source: Mrlagalot

#5. A Wild 5 Days

Image source: JgT1782

#6. When It's Not Worth Doing The Math

Image source: plznotmesir

#7. Tricky!

Image source: Yumbreon

#8. We Are All Sharing Pineapples

Image source: rogercoutts2

#9. Welcome To The Club

Image source: CoreyReynolds

#10. Interesting Math But Why?

Image source: mychemhatepage

#11. The USPS Eagle Is Flying At Mach 4.9

Image source: cmac2992

#12. This Man Is Getting Ripped Off

Image source: Roh_13

#13. That Math Checks Out

Image source: ovomies

#14. The Circle Of Life

Image source: Hampster3

#15. The Barber Failed

Image source: gryffin__dork