30 DIY Projects That Probably Looked Great On Paper But Went Way, Way Wrong

Leona Martinez

Is anyone of you into DIY projects? Tackling DIY projects is one of the best ways to save money. Moreover, you can also learn useful skills along the way. Building these skills may boost your mental capacity, and in the process, you may discover new passions and greater confidence. DIY at home can also provide creative ways to express yourself. Therefore, why not try your hand at a DIY project right now? However, you should avoid making questionable DIY products like these people below unless you want other people to laugh at you and your stuff.
We have collected 30 DIY projects that probably looked great on paper but want way, way wrong. Scroll down below to check them out. Don't forget to vote for your favs. And feel free to share your DIY products with us in the comment section below. For more laughs, check out 20 DIY Projects That Raise The Question “DI WHY?”

#1. One of my chair's wheels fell off and couldn't be reattached, so had to improvise with a pringles can, bow cutters and scotch tape

Source: TheQuintendoBro

#2. My friend went to look at an apartment today and this was the "shower"

Source: chinchillen

#3. A green Tesla someone covered in nickels for some reason

Source: bugxbuster

#4. My landlord had to replace the previous toilet. The new one fills the space better

Source: quicxly

#5. "Kids don't like it"

Source: ghansie10

#6. Coffee table on wheels

Source: indewater

#7. My 13 year old will do literally anything to avoid washing dishes

Source: NikNieblas

#8. This couch cover at an AIR B&B

Source: Animarchy666

#9. I love my new house but I die inside a little bit every time I walk past this

Source: FriendlySceptic

#10. This plastic bottle bottom lampshade

Source: MrMagnificent123

#11. Lets hope the airbags don't pop...

Source: Shmandle2k19

#12. Hidden dishwasher diwhy

Source: arintj

#13. I didn't have a lampshade so I made one myself

Source: Pauu3r

#14. "Therapy chairs" for childrens' hospital were rejected. Wonder why?

Source: nohopeforthekids

#15. My dad's razor

Source: Fukushime

#16. Saw this at a juice shop. Sat in it for a little bit. Feels exactly how you'd expect

Source: luckykari

#17. Why pay a whole $20 on a new mailbox when you can just repurpose a toaster oven instead?

Source: reddit.com

#18. Going home for Thanksgiving never ceases to amaze me at what my father can come up with

Source: Metalgreek

#19. Redneck Penthouse?

Source: Dr_Zol_Epstein_III

#20. I made a thing

Source: infinitytec

#21. The belt buckle

Source: Gurtek86

#22. Budget stairs anyone?

Source: Zzazy1

#23. What is this?

Source: MaybePotatoes

#24. All out desperation...

Source: Dr_Zol_Epstein_III

#25. Came across this on Facebook. Ceiling fan with lights!

Source: CRMusiq

#26. This tyre tube face mask

Source: Gurtek86

#27. Now I know why laptop chargers got so hot

Source: Nickgregoryyoutube

#28. "and when the sun hit the porch just right, the rocks sing"

Source: vorpalpickle

#29. Ear earring with earrings

Source: Cassiedanine

#30. I’m actually reasonably pleased with myself but I admit it’s a wtf

Source: SeizureHamster