28 Times Grandmas Did Really Funny Things That Left Their Grandkids Speechless

Leona Martinez

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “Grandma”? The first thing that comes to my mind is her beautiful smile, kindness, and safety. Moreover, she is my protector in every sense. Especially, whenever I do something wrong, she protects me from the whippings and scoldings from my dad. This is my grandma, but your grandma might be different. Like the grandmoms below, they are the most humorous people I've ever seen in the world. They always know how to crack their whole family up with a sharp sense of humor.
Below are some examples. These pictures capture the moments when grandmas did really funny things that left their grandkids speechless. Scroll down to enjoy a good laugh with us. What about your grandmother? If you have any hilarious memories with your grandma, don't hesitate to share them with us by leaving a comment below.

#1. My 83-year-old grandma's first attempt at a selfie

Source: Foolish_guillemont

#2. My best friend's grandma (83 years old) made herself a profile on Facebook today. This is her profile picture

Source: Goldierenee

#3. My 7-yr-old daughter asked for fingerless gloves with flowers on them. Grandma delivered

Source: I_Say_I_Say

#4. My grandma thought this was a cross so she hung it up. I decided not to correct her

Source: The_Man_Named______

#5. Grandma got an Apple watch but still insistent on sporting the Rolex

Source: Homebarcocktails

#6. My 70-year-old grandma got some new coasters

Source: tatsmith

#7. I took my 96yo grandma to the petting zoo today. She made a new friend!

Source: yooobuddy

#8. When Grandma gives you Jeep accessories. Astoria, Oregon

Source: Neverstillcreations

#9. My grandma collects cacti, she says this one will only grow 6 inches

Source: UndrcovrRogue

#10. My Italian grandma came to town. This is her suitcase

Source: 20dollarchill

#11. Grandma sent me this in the mail. Slowest picture message ever

Source: misstinkles420

#12. Found this hidden behind some jars in my widowed, 86 y/o grandma's kitchen. I guess we all have our dirty little secrets!

Source: L0rdtater

#13. My grandmother complained her remote was confusing, so I grandma-ified it for her

Source: JoKer730

#14. My sweet grandma wanted me to take a pic before I fixed her sunglasses b/c we all thought it was hilarious. I hope you do too!

Source: ipickscabs

#15. My Grandma got new teeth today, and someone then gave her a sucker...it all went downhill from there

Source: arae00

#16. My grandma printed some photos from her phone

Source: nerveendingstory

#17. My bro told my grandma, jokingly, he wanted 100 things from the dollar store for Christmas, grandma doesn't like being challenged

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: AceWayne4

#18. My grandma posted this on Facebook this morning

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: FrogusTheDogus

#19. My grandma’s garage door opener broke, She pulled off a siding board & I found her trying to crawl inside through the framing in the walls

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: reddit.com

#20. My 94-year-old great-grandma made this for me because she said is too cold. It's 80° outside

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: NKNDP

#21. My grandma has had this "decorative rock" on her table for 8 years. I don't have the heart to tell her

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: vocivus

#22. My Grandma is getting pretty high-tech these days...

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: Feathers_

#23. This is how my grandma cuts onions

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: reddit.com

#24. My gay cousin got this from my grandma this year

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: TheTrueMuffinMan

#25. My grandma got into a fight with our mixer. The mixer won

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: Bungalowbeast

#26. Gee, thanks, Grandma

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: rrrroasted

#27. My grandma got so smashed at Christmas dinner that she fell into the tree

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: reddit.com

#28. My uncle fixed my grandma's clicker

Grandmas Did Really Funny ThingsSource: reddit.com

If you are still thirsty for more funny pics of grandmas, check out this article about 25 Badass Grandmas Who Are Cooler Than We Will Ever Be.