White Oak Conservation, which is part of Walter Conservation, is a 17,000-acre conservation center in northeastern Florida. Committed to Saving Species. White Oak dedicates to the conservation and care of endangered species such as rhinoceros, okapi, bongo antelope, zebras, dama gazelles, and cheetahs. Early this April, White Oak has been celebrating the birth of a baby giraffe, the newest member of their family.
H/T: thekoalabears
Image Credit: White Oak Conservation
The calf was born on April 9th. Interestingly, the baby was already 6 feet high and weighed about 200 lbs at birth, as big as a full-grown human. The young of this species is very strong, it can stand up and run around in just a few hours after birth.Image Credit: White Oak Conservation
This baby giraffe is no different. She could stand up and venture out among the other giraffes of her herd not long after that. The mother and her daughter are all in good health and shape. The mom is doing extremely well, this is her third calf so far.Image Credit: White Oak Conservation
Giraffes are fascinating creatures. They sleep for only 10 minutes to 2 hours a day. This is the shortest sleeping requirement among all mammals. And they can do so while standing with their eyes wide open. Giraffes are generally silent animals, and they move around elegantly on their long, solid legs. No wonder why people call them the graceful idols of the savanna.H/T: thekoalabears