Safari Group Stunned By An Unexpected Lion Guest When Having A Buffet

Daniel Figaro

The Kruger National Park in South Africa is very famous for its dense population of wildlife, including one of the biggest members of the cat family, the lion. And recently, a rare incident has happened when a lion came to interrupt the evening party of a safari group.

 Unexpected Lion GuestImage Credit:  Chris Taylor

After a safari trip at the private Londolozi game reserve, a group decided to have a buffet party at the end of the day. And when staff were preparing tables and dishes, they just got surprised by an uninvited guest. A big lion gatecrashed in the party, attracted by the aroma of cured beef.

 Unexpected Lion GuestImage Credit:  Chris Taylor

With the sudden appearance of such a big predator, everyone was panic and retreated to their vehicles. The lion, on the other hand, looked quite relaxed checking around the table. Of course, the cured beef would be a decent meal for the lion. However, after sniffing around for a while, he disappeared behind the bush without even sampling the food.

 Unexpected Lion GuestImage Credit:  Chris Taylor

"To have one visit a drink stop in such close proximity is very unusual. We all sat and watched as he slowly moved closer. He posed for a few seconds and continued. I have had other animals wander past, but normally at a much greater distance" - said Chris Taylor, the safari guide.

Luckily, such an incredible moment was also recorded by Mr. Taylor. And more importantly, the group could enjoy their buffet after the lion has gone. An expert lion tracker in the group confirmed that it was safe to continue the cocktail party.
You can watch the video of the lion joining the party below:

H/T: kingdomstv
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