Logos are an integral part of all brands. Brands have had to spend a huge amount of money to design and modify their logos to bring positive value and inculcate the brand image in the minds of consumers. When consumers see a brand's logo, they will be activated with all kinds of thoughts and emotions. Unfortunately for brands, those feelings aren't always positive. Leaving aside the familiar logo images of famous brands, let's find funny inspiration from 20 super creative and funny logo parodies in this article. These super impressive and funny logos promise to bring you laughter and exciting new creative ideas.
For more funny photos that are related to logos, check out our posts here, here, and here!
For more funny photos that are related to logos, check out our posts here, here, and here!
#1 Diet Coke - Diet Joke
Source: Dribbble
#2 New Balance - No Balance
New Balance - No BalanceSource: Redbubbl
#3 McDonalds - McDiabetes
McDonalds - McDiabetesSource: Hongkiat
#4 Snickers - Suckers
Snickers - SuckersSource: Hongkiat
#5 Lays - Lies
Lays - LiesSource: Redbubble
#6 Cheetos - Cheaters
Cheetos - CheatersSource: Pinterest
#7 Adidas - Adidog
Adidas - AdidogSource: Funny T-Shirts and Bear Clogs For SALE
#8 Starbucks And 5 Parody Versions
Starbucks And 5 Parody VersionsSource: DeviantArt
#9 CoCaCoLa - CupCakes
CoCaCoLa - CupCakesSource: Dribbble
TOYOTA - TOY YODASource: dribbble
#11 iCloud - iCould
iCloud - iCouldSource: dribbble
#12 Pizza Hut - Pizza Hat
Pizza Hut - Pizza HatSource: dribbble
#13 American Idol - American Idiot
American Idol - American IdiotSource: Webneel.com
#14 YouTube - YouSuck
YouTube - YouSuckSource: Hongkiat
#15 Nike Just Do It v.s Just Do It LATER
Nike Just Do It v.s Just Do It LATERSource: LogoDix logo
#16 Burger King - Burger Queen
Burger King - Burger QueenSource: Dribbble
#17 LACOSTE - LACTOSE (Consequence Of A Lactose Allergy Case - LOL)
LACOSTE - LACTOSESource: Spreadshirt
#18 7 UP or 1 UP?
7 UP or 1 UP?Source: PNGitem
#19 Puma Or Coma?
Puma Or Coma?Source: Flickr
#20 Apple - Pear
Apple - PearSource: AliExpress