16 Funny Pictures And Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Life In Small Towns

Leona Martinez

Do you want to live in a small town or a big city? Each person has a different inclination. Some love the fresh and quiet atmosphere in small towns. However, others prefer living in big cities where they can easily look for job opportunities and have endless options to entertain at the weekend. Some people, despite the fact that they were born in a small town, are eager to start new life in the big city. However, no matter how far they go, they can't forget what they have had in their hometown since some of those experiences are special and one-of-a-kind.
We have collected some funny pictures and tweets that perfectly sum up life in small towns. So, if you haven't had any experience in a small town yet, check out this list. There are many things that can amaze you. For example, getting stuck behind a tractor is a legitimate reason for being late in small towns. Or small-town residents can tell who's driving by their house by the sound of their truck. The list goes on. Scroll down to check out other fun facts about life in small towns.

#1. That's a fun fact

Source: SmallTwnProbs

#2. So true

Source: SmallTwnProbs

#3. Until you need someone

Source: SmallTwnProbs

#4. Haha

Source: SmallTwnProbs

#5. Hilarious

Source: imgur

#6. This is life in a small town

Source: SmallTwnProbs

#7. Fashion at my small town Canadian bar

Source: imgur

#8. Only those who live in small towns understand

Source: SmallTwnProbs

#9. This was in the daily police report section of my hometown newspaper. (yes, it is a small town)

Source: eldeeder

#10. Yes

Life In A Small TownSource: SmallTwnProbs

#11. My sister and her husband live in a small town, they came home to this note on their door

Life In A Small TownSource: ekoorb12

#12. A lot of things people can do in small towns

Life In A Small TownSource: EarlDibblesJr

#13. Just another day in a small Texas town

Life In A Small TownSource: imgur

#14. A small town problem

Life In A Small TownSource: SmallTwnProbs

#15. Small towns are tight

Life In A Small TownSource: redheadedhuzzy

#16. Teamwork

Life In A Small TownSource: imgur

If you want to have a long belly laugh, check out our hilarious posts here and here.