So, let's pull your seats closer and have a look at funny tweets from parents to see what they have dealt with. After you’re done, there are a lot more parenting tweets to chuckle at from our previous articles here, here and here.
#1. You poor girl
Source: xennial_mom
#2. Bet he was hungry after!
Source: IDontSpeakWhine
#3. Yeah that every dogs dream lol
Source: pervocracy
#4. Wow
Source: TheCiscoKidder
#5. You have raised a legend!
Source: perlhack
#6. Please
Source: michimama75
#7. The inherent danger of 1-click-purchase being enabled...
Source: dadmann_walking
#8. Don't stay logged in when having kids
Source: oneawkwardmom
#9. An overthinker in the making!
Source: HomeWithPeanut
#10. That’s nice
Source: thedad
#11. It looks like... wait for it... a baby
Source: Dadology_
#12. Cheese is magic, so fair enough
Source: MumlnBits
#13. Awwww
Source: kidminds_
#14. The struggle is real
Source: reallifemommy3
#15. The audacity
Source: Dad_At_Law
#16. Solid parenting!
Source: KatieDeal99
#17. Genius!
Source: JuliePeloquin14
#18. Always a loop hole
Source: HenpeckedHal
#19. Too cute...
Source: mommajessiec
#20. Kids say the nicest things
Source: lmegordon
#21. They are innocents
Source: MumlnBits
#22. If you can't love yourself...
Source: deloisivete
#23. So cute!
Source: copymama
#24. Basement is always a good option
Source: smartass_moms
#25. That's a lovely name ?
Source: OyVeylady