17 Pics That We Totally Didn’t Expect to See Today
Expectation: The thoughts and hopes that go through ones mind before an engagement/party/happening etc. that consist of imagining what it might be like. The equation to find satisfaction is found by taking enjoyment and subtracting expectation from it. This is to say that one should never expect too much from something.
Online, there are probably a lot of bad things happening every day. There are so many things we come across every day that could irritate us, whether it be upsetting news, an aggressive tweet, or arguments in the comments area.
But there are some uplifting things hidden in the huge pool of the internet too. Unexpectedly Wholesome is a subreddit that collects positive online content and distributes screenshots to demonstrate how pleasant things can sometimes happen out of the blue. Check through the gallery below to see some of their best postings.
Sometimes we go about our daily lives in such an autopilot state that we just don't notice or give any thought to what is around us. If we start focusing on specific items and the reasons they are situated in their current locations, we can discover some things that are both quite peculiar and amusing.
Online, there are probably a lot of bad things happening every day. There are so many things we come across every day that could irritate us, whether it be upsetting news, an aggressive tweet, or arguments in the comments area.
But there are some uplifting things hidden in the huge pool of the internet too. Unexpectedly Wholesome is a subreddit that collects positive online content and distributes screenshots to demonstrate how pleasant things can sometimes happen out of the blue. Check through the gallery below to see some of their best postings.
Sometimes we go about our daily lives in such an autopilot state that we just don't notice or give any thought to what is around us. If we start focusing on specific items and the reasons they are situated in their current locations, we can discover some things that are both quite peculiar and amusing.
#1 “This dentist training tool.”
Source: © DelicateEpisode41 / Reddit
#2 “Someone got cut off in traffic in Texas.”
Source:© ggskater / Reddit
#3 “A skeleton decoration depicting an animal that does not have an endoskeleton.”
Source: © MrUberShark12 / Reddit
#4 “This spork is made out of stainless steel and has a jagged knife edge on the side.”
Source: © TheCaramelMan / Reddit
#5 “Captured a picture of me shocking my Gf...”
Source: © nope-nope-nope-ok / Reddit
#6 “My salt and pepper shakers look like they are in jail.”
Source: © OrneryLibrarian / Reddit
#7 “Mattress graffiti”
Source: © Krieger_Bot_OO7 / Reddit
#8 “A matching Chevy Corvette and Lamborghini Urus cruising through the neighborhood”
Source: © Mark-Leyner / Reddit
#9 “A huge aspirin paperweight”
Source: © Reatina / Reddit
#10 “My cousin’s shoes matched this house in Berkeley, CA.”
Source: © sagelface / Reddit
#11 “This quarter went through a paper shredder.”
Source: © TwoWheelsMoveTheSoul / Reddit
#12 “Baby snail on my washing line.”
Source: © Stingin_Belle / Reddit
#13 “A shot from the woods today”
#14 “Those clouds are no joke today.”
Source: © badicph / Reddit
#15 “Saw these lovely rims today.”
Source: © thelobsterwastaken / Reddit
#16 An oddly shaped spoon
Source: © OneHauntedB*** / Reddit
#17 “Fake coyotes in our office parking lot to scare off geese”
Source: © prp23p / Reddit
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