It’s so exciting when analyzing every single little detail, and coming up with your own thoughts on what the ending really meant or thinking about the deeper meaning of certain scenes and characters. While dedicated fans tend to waste no time analyzing them, others have scoured the deepest parts of the Internet to find the craziest fan theories about famous movies that totally blow your mind. Of course, many fan theories are silly, some have even been debunked by creators.
No matter how far-fetched and outrageous they seem, they always have some bit of evidence that proves the theory might just be possible. Who would’ve thought that “Transporter” and “Collateral” are connected? In fact, the writer of bother films, Stuart Beattie has confirmed the fan theory is true.
Below are the 12 craziest fan theories you've probably never heard. If you're looking for more articles about movies, check out our ones
here.#1 In Cars, cars got rid of humans
Source: © Cars / Pixar Animation Studios and co-producers
The world of “Cars” is full of cars, which is strange because cars are made by humans. So, where did these vehicles come from in the absence of human design? Why do they have doors if no people step into them? Many have imagined they one day when technological advancement of autonomous cars, drivers are not necessary.
#2 The end of Logan is raised in The Wolverine
Source: © The Wolverine / Twentieth Century Fox and co-producers, © Logan / Twentieth Century Fox and co-producers
In “The Wolverine”, Logan has a conversation with Yukio, the mutant who can see the future. She depicts to Logan the moment of his death, “I see you lying on your back... You’re holding your own heart in your hand”. That happens to Logan 4 years later and his heart is his daughter.
#3 In “Wonder Woman”, Chief is a demigod
Source: © Wonder Woman / Warner Bros. and co-producers
In “Wonder Woman”, there is a scene where Princess Diana converses with the Chief in a foreign language that is not subtitled. Immediately, fans translate the dialogue and learn that Chief introduces himself as Napi, a demigod of the Blackfoot culture.
#4 In Man of Steel, Aquaman saves Superman from drowning
Source: © Man of Steel / Warner Bros. and co-producers
In “Man of Steel”, a burning old rig collapses on Clark who floats, unconscious to the surface of the ocean. Many have believed that this is thanks to Aquaman instead ocean currents.
#5 At the end of The Thing, one of the 2 survivors is infected
Source: © The Thing / Universal Pictures and co-producers
John Carpenter's The Thing left the movie’s finale as an ambiguous one. Childs returns as MacReady sits by the burning remnants, saying he lost in the storm while pursuing Blair. A great tension can be felt in the atmosphere. One of them may be infected by the alien organism but no one knows who is really The Thing – except John Carpenter.
#6 In Titanic, Jack is a time traveler
Source: © Titanic / Twentieth Century Fox and co-producers
“Titanic” brings us a heart-touching love story. Although James Cameron’s film is straightforward, that doesn’t mean there isn’t any room for some outrageous and thought-provoking theories. The theory is that Jack Dawson is actually a time traveler sent to the past to save Rose. It sounds crazy but has some evidence. Firstly, how Jack has to gamble to get a ticket onto the ship. Moreover, Jack also mentions fishing on Lake Wissota, an artificial lake created in 1917 but he tells Rose that he’ll take her on the rollercoaster at the Santa Monica pier, which didn’t open until 1916.
#7 The Jurassic Park dinosaurs were never actual dinosaurs
Source: © Jurassic Park / Universal Pictures and co-producers
“Jurassic Park” has an insane yet convincing fan theory that there are no dinosaurs. The
animals in the park are genetic mixtures of different creatures until scientists manage to make them look like dinosaurs. In the final scene, they introduce their first genetic creation, which doesn’t end very well. The theory is worth to add in our list of mind-blowing fan theories that may be the craziest.
#8 In the 007 sagas, James Bond is an inherited name
Source: © You Only Live Twice / Eon Productions, © On Her Majesty's Secret Service / Eon Productions, © Live and Let Die / Eon Productions, © No Time to Die / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and co-producers
Jame Bond is a code name used by the Secret Service for that type of agent. In reality, every James Bond retires after a while, which would explain the famous phrase of George Lazenby in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service: “That never happened to the other Bond”.
#9 “It’s a Wonderful Life” is an old version of “The Truman Show”
Source: © It's a Wonderful Life / Liberty Films, © The Truman Show / Paramount Pictures and co-producers
It is believed that George Bailey from “It’s a Wonderful Life” never escapes Bedford Falls. Unexpected circumstances always prevent him from taking the train out of town. It could be because the station was going nowhere and a few miles ahead, a large wall the color of the sky showed the boundary of a film studio. Very similar to what happens in “The Truman Show”.
#10 Isabella was the real villain in “The Lizzie McGuire Movie”
Source: © The Lizzie McGuire Movie / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
Many fans believe that Paolo never wanted to deceive Lizzie and the villain in the movie was Lizzie’s own doppelgänger, Isabella Parigi. In the grand finale, Paolo’s microphone is on when he sings well and Isabella turns it off when he starts the part where he sings badly.
#11 Simba is responsible for the drought in “The Lion King”
Source: © The Lion King / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
The theory is that Simba has to take responsibility for the drought that Scar is blamed for. The rightful heir is believed to inherit the wisdom of the past kings. So, when he leaves with wisdom and abandons his people, the flora of the place disappears.
#12 The boy playing with Woody in “Toy Story 2” is Andy’s dad
Source: © Toy Story 2 / Pixar Animation Studios and co-producers
Remember that a boy appears in the video where a Woody puppet is singing. The boy may be Andy’s dad, who went to a convention and then bought Woody. One time, Andy’s mother says Woody is an old family heirloom. Of course, in our top 12 movie fan theories that seem to be craziest, it's worth mentioning.