
Send These "OK Boomer" Memes To Your "OK Boomer"

The differences between generations are often discussed in daily conversations. Between generations, there are significant distinctions, including their racial and ethnic composition, how rapidly they attain life milestones like marriage, and their political and ideological orientations, to mention a few.
As a result, you might notice that there are moments of miscommunication between generations, such as between grandparents and grandchildren, mom and daughter. At that time, you could hear one of them say, "OK Boomer." For those who don't know, "OK Boomer" is a sarcastic rebuke that sounds a little mocking, like a verbal eye roll, and it’s especially directed by a young person toward someone older.
Recently, the phrase "OK Boomer" has become popular. Many Internet users even created OK Boomer memes to mock their grandparents. And here are some of the best OK Boomer memes we have collected. Scroll down to take a look. Maybe you can get something for yourself.

#1. Ok Boomer

Source: okboomer

#2. Ok Boomer

Source: okboomer

#3. Boomer logic...

Source: johan_james

#4. Sound interesting

Source: unknown

#5. It's so true

Source: instagram

#6. If you can say one word, but not the other...

Source: RayBrower

#7. Millennial gives me a heart attack

Source: vladmir_lenin-55

#8. Ok boomer

Source: FreddyRafn

#9. Ok

Source: wattpad

#10. OK boomer

Source: okboomer

#11. Hilarious

Source: unknown

#12. Okboomstick, locked and loaded

Source: FlockOfStevenSeagull

#13. "You ok, Boomer?"

Source: okboomer

#14. Awwww, hell to the no!

Source: blackr0se_x

#15. Ok Boomer

Source: okboomer

#16. Ok Boomer

Source: sensual_dad


Source: bikiniatolband

#18. Sound true

Source: okboomer

#19. Ok Boomer

Source: okboomer

#20. Ok Boomer

Source: okboomer

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