
12 Actors Who Were Offered A Win-Win Role But They Turned It Down

It’s hard to imagine “Legally Blonde” without Reese Witherspoon, or “Titanic” without Kate Winslet. However, hang on to your hats, because both characters went to completely different actors. In fact, a movie can either be a box office hit or a flop, so celebrities don’t always agree whenever they get an offer to play a role from directors and producers. They think long and hard before taking on a role in a project.
Sometimes, roles are offered to some of the biggest actors in the world, but they end up declining for one reason or another like, being afraid that viewers will find the movie boring, losing faith in young directors, having scheduling conflicts, or just not seeing themselves in this role. No matter what it is, many actors refuse to become a part of Movies that became hits in the cinema world.
We found out some actors who show their stubbornness and refused to portray an iconic character.

#1 Clarice Starling: Meg Ryan - Jodie Foster

Source: © When Harry Met Sally / Twentieth Century Fox© The Silence of the Lambs / Orion Pictures

Meg Ryan didn’t like the gloomy and harsh plot so she turned down the chance to play Miss Starling in “Clarice Starling”. The role went to Jodie Foster who got an Oscar thanks to her perfect performance. The actress had read the novel and had an immense to try Clarice’s image on herself.

#2 Hannibal Lecter: Sean Connery - Anthony Hopkins

Source: © Medicine Man / Hollywood Pictures© The Silence of the Lambs / Orion Pictures

Sean Connery was the first choice for the role of Lector in the movie “Hannibal Lecter”. However, the actor turned it down, and eventually, the role went to Anthony Hopkins. At first, he thought he was being asked to star in some kids’ movies. After that, she realized it was a good offer. For his performance, he got the first Oscar.

#3 Allie Hamilton: Jessica Simpson - Rachel McAdams

Source: © facetoface / REPORTER / East News© The Notebook / New Line Cinema

While Jessica Simpson refused to appear in “The Notebook” because of the revealing scenes, Rachel McAdams wasn’t embarrassed about it and eventually became the on-screen passion of Ryan Gosling.

#4 Queen Hippolyta: Charlize Theron - Connie Nielsen

Source: © Snow White and the Huntsman / Universal Pictures© Wonder Woman / Warner Bros.

Charlize Theron was offered the role of Wonder Woman’s mother in “Queen Hippolyta”, but she rejected it. the actress called it a slap in the face because Gal Godot is only 9 years younger than she and they totally don’t look like a mother-daughter duo. Therefore, the role was offered to Connie Nielsen who is 20 years older than Gal Godot.

#5 Kitty Shcherbatskaya: Saoirse Ronan - Alicia Vikander

Source: © Gregorio T. Binuya / Everett Collection / East News© Anna Karenina / Universal Pictures

Saoirse Ronan turned down the role of Kitty because she didn’t want to sacrifice her filming in the movies Byzantium and The Host. In these projects, Ronan played the main characters that’s why it was eventually Alicia Vikander who got the supporting role in Anna Karenina.

#6 Annie Wilkes: Anjelica Huston - Kathy Bates

Source: © Addams Family Values / Paramount Pictures© Misery / Warner Bros

Anjelica Huston was supposed to play the main villain in the movie “Annie Wilkes”. However, at that time, she was busy with “The Grifters”, so the role went to Kathy Bates. The actress played the role of the insane fan perfectly and got both an Oscar and a Golden Globe for it.

#7 Jacqueline Kennedy: Rachel Weisz - Natalie Portman

Source: © Shooting Star / Sipa USA / East News© Jackie / Fox Searchlight Pictures

Jacqueline Kennedy is the joint project of director Darren Aronofsky and his fiancée Rachel Weisz. However, after their break-up, Weisz decided to stop filming. It wasn’t until 2 years later that the studio started their negotiations with Natalie Portman.

#8 Andy Dufresne: Tom Cruise - Tim Robbins

Source: © Jerry Maguire / TriStar Pictures© The Shawshank Redemption / Warner Bros.

Tim Robbins fulfilled perfectly his role of the innocent and cheerful Andy Dufresne. But, the role was originally offered to Tom Cruise. The actor didn’t want to work with a little-known newbie director, so he decided to say “no” to the offer.

#9 Christine Palmer: Jessica Chastain - Rachel McAdams

Source: © Miss Sloane / FilmNation Entertainment© Doctor Strange / Marvel Studios

Jessica Chastain didn’t want to portray Benedict Cumberbatch’s beloved woman in Doctor Strange, so the role went to Rachel McAdams. The actress accepted this role because she hadn’t lost hope in the superheroine in the Marvel universe.

#10 Elizabeth I: Emily Watson - Cate Blanchett

Source: © Mary Evans / AF Archive / Graham Whitby Boot / East News© Elizabeth / Working Title Films

Emily Watson was supposed to fit the role of queen but the actress rejected the proposal. Watson confessed that she would never have played the role as well as Blanchett, who got a Golden Globe for this work.

#11 Bridget von Hammersmark: Nastassja Kinski - Diane Kruger

Source: © imago / Sp / East News© Inglourious Basterds / Universal Pictures

The director wanted Nastassja Kinski to take on the role of the German cinematography star and British spy in “Bridget von Hammersmark”. Unfortunately, he failed to get a positive response from her. So, the role went to Diane Kruger.

#12 Gamora: Amanda Seyfried - Zoe Saldana

Source: © Elizabeth Goodenough / Everett Collection / East News© Guardians of the Galaxy / Marvel Studios

Amanda Seyfried refused to become a part of Marvel. She wasn’t interested in watching a movie about a talking tree and a raccoon. In contrast, Zoe Saldana was willing to play this role, and eventually, she hit the jackpot.
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