
29 Of The Most Hilarious Things People Ever Tweeted About Their Kids

There is no doubt that being parents is not easy. Along with the daily responsibility of caring for our children, we have to juggle household chores and our jobs. Additionally, caring for a child is a lifetime commitment that calls for giving up time, money, and freedom, which can cause many parents stress and burnout.
Additionally, caring for a child is a lifetime commitment that calls for giving up time, money, and freedom, which can lead to stress and burnout in many parents.
So to bring more joy to your life, we compiled some of the most hilarious things parents tweeted from all over the internet. We believe that whether you are under pressure to raise children or not, reading our articles will make you feel relatable and lift up your mood. With that said, let's scroll down and check them out!

1. Fairly asked, fairly answered

Source: BakeKater

2. This family could set up a small business selling "experienced hair ties"

Source: simoncholland

3. Show him a CAPTCHA and see if he runs away

Source: momjeansplease

4. "They're being paid."

Source: copymama

5. "Glad I’m raising you with manners but I’d prefer if you’d effing sleep"

Source: daddydoubts

6. "Credible Hulk"

Source: seanoconnz

7. Sassy 4-year-old

Source: XplodingUnicorn

8. Do u smell that? BURN!!

Source: SardonicTart

9. They're not wrong

Source: HenpeckedHal

10. "Yep. Dads are ... expendable."

Source: HenpeckedHal

#11 "Step away from the wall. Put down your marker."

Source: simoncholland

12. Uhhh, the shade

Source: ConanOBrien

13. “ppl w no bills are so positive”

Source: DontWorryBoutB

14. Wait til you hear about opera.

Source: XplodingUnicorn

15. This is giving me some real sad Keanu vibes

Source: kindofsquishy

16. Even worse, if a toddler does something they think you think is funny they’ll keep on doing it, and doing it, and doing it...

Source: Average_Dad1

17. She is the real one

Source: LizerReal

18. This man figured out how to get him to play with the trucks. Great parenting hack

Source: HenpeckedHal

19. "everywhere"

Source: mommajessiec

20. "what, they're telling everyone about my diabetes??"

Source: mister_blank

21. Her level of petty is 10/10

Source: MandyNdlangisa

22. Right??

Source: aotakeo

23. Taste your own medicine, kiddo

Source: iinkedZombie

24. “I don’t like it. I knew I wouldn’t like it”

Source: NotSoNewlywedPC

25. If you've never hid in a closet and ate chocolate, are you really a parent?

Source: Scott_Thought

26. "Wanting to laugh but needing to keep a straight face is at least 85% of parenting"

Source: meena

27. You forgot to give her the 5 yr old special hairdo?

Source: aotakeo

28. When you build quality, it shows

Source: Chhapiness

29. Nothing stronger than your boy passing you his drink:

Source: daddydoubts

Do you have any humorous stories to share about raising kids? Let us know in the comments section below.
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