
Pointlessly Gendered Marketing Tactics That Made Us Say, 'WTF?' (30+ Pics)

An excellent marketing plan is one making a good impression on the viewers, giving them an unforgettable memory of the advertising. Another way to make them remember the marketing idea is to have pointless comments, especially about gender. However, this will leave a negative customer experience, and it can affect the brand image.
The following article will provide you with gendered marketing tactics that are meaningless, giving you a different viewpoint of marketing. Let’s get started!

#1 Nooo, not the Pocky.

Source: ShamusKhan


#2 So, are all women vegan?

Source: PaulaArcari

#3 They have to be joking, but still...

Source: HeroicGirls

#4 Even bread? How?

Source: phoenix_7_9

#5 Toothpaste for men... but only at night.

Source: TheRidleyJones

#6 Why didn’t count previous women winners?

Source: reillyskye_x

#7 See that it has been ENGINEERED like other cool manly things such as cars and lawnmowers, but we ended up with chapstick.

Source: Pinterest

#8 How to tell time like a man"

Source: Pinterest

#9 This bathtub:

Source: OllieDiggleDo

#10 Finally, women can tell the time.

Source: stonecatstudio1

#11 Heads-up: girls can’t touch these letters.

Source: Pinterest

#12 Juice package for him and for her... Seriously?

Source: Elisa_Klein_

#13 And it’s only $49.99!

Source: Reddit

Well the left elbow isn't gonna clean itself

#14 Intelligence 3?

Source: MsAndrea

Wow, they really made her inferior to him in EVERY WAY didn't they??

#15 Boy: blue with football. Girl: pink with teddy. This little cutie's face said it all.

Source: MerithsMisc

#16 Did you know men's hair is so powerful it would break a regular comb?

Source: Pinterest

#17 According to Fitbit: Men want to look smart, and women want to look... pink.

Source: JoeSchofield0

#18 Should have given the woman's hand a dress as well just to make sure.

Source: conorsmith

#19 Pointlessly gendered and homophobic at the same time.

Source: Haebak

If they asked for their age would they say 24 years old or answer: "more than 23 and less then 25"?

#20 Real men guess what they look like

Source: judges119

"Is it gay to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known?"

#21 "Man town"?

Source: ChsSmth47

#22 WTF is this???

Source: dreamer-imfinite

The gendering isn't the most concerning part of this image.

#23 Every Hallmark Christmas movie: green is man, red is woman.

Source: Slight_Knee_silly

It's ok, only Christian moms watch these.

#24 They didn’t even stop at War Paint. It’s WAR PAINT FOR MEN.

Source: Disfordonuts

Also, it has to be in a black container with no indication of color tone.

#25 Communicating with spirits and ghosts... but in a girly way:

Source: TheSapphicEnby

#26 Or maybe just gendering chocolate is dumb?

Source: DanielM4713

#27 Girly diaper bag?

Source: browncoat619

"Fathering a child? Sounds pretty girly to me"

#28 "But... I want yellow"

Source: OttersRule85

#29 Gender-appropriate "fun"

Source: Yensil314


#30 Silky foam for lady's ears.

Source: casualmex

Men don't touch!

#31 Why can't girls be brave and boys be handsome as well?

Source: HeroicGirls

#32 We lost for words.

Source: histam_ine

The text is awful, but both handles are left-aligned even though they open from opposite sides too??

#33 Same items inside... Hers costs 30% more.

Source: RosieStarling

The pink colorant must be so expensive!

#34 Just in case your macho bravado isn’t proof enough that you’re a man:

Source: willowtrace

Gotta cover that Adam’s Apple, keep it safe.

#35 Must be manly even while sheet masking.

Source: bubblegutteralguts

"I'm gonna wear one of these to moisturize while robbing a bank."

#36 It starts early... my antenatal clinic shows how boys and girls kick differently in the womb.

Source: Paclerin

The bottom left is so ominous... you will feed.

#37 Et Tu, spaghetti measuring tool?

Source: Carras1982

Oh boy, I must have double the man or teenager proportion my entire life.

#38 Girls live on a different planet:

Source: awildjord

Once a month we all walk to the shore, stand over the ocean, and chant “bleed bleed bleed” in unison.

#39 Building an empire, one Q-tip at a time.

Source: YourAuntySocial

Speechless... makeup wipes next?

#40 Which brunch are you: man, woman, or waffle?

Source: jesslhnolan

Which picture or marketing tactic shocked you the most? Make sure to tell us in the comment section below!
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