
20 Hilarious Pics That Show Differences Between Mom And Dad's Parenting Styles

There is a huge difference between dad's and mom's parenting styles. In general, dads place more emphasis on challenging their children and preparing them for life in the real world than on making their children less good or secure. When it comes to discipline, they frequently implement penalties immediately and then have a conversation afterwards.
On the other hand, moms tend to speak to their kids verbally more often. Therefore, we can clearly see that moms often say encouraging things, set clear expectations, and discuss discipline-related topics. They also tend to be softer, more caring, and less demanding.
Our today article doesn't dive into deep learning about the differences between mom and dad's parenting styles, but it's about its funny sides. Below are some of the most hilarious pics about the differences between mom and dad's parenting styles. Scroll down to enjoy.

#1. "Well, I'm totally fine"

Source: leprasorium

#2. “Me when my dad is visiting vs Me when my mom is visiting”

Source: RealJMorandini

#3. When dad says “No” vs When mom says “No”

Source: aalleeaa

#4. Mom vs. Dad pre-race texts...

Source: kenzieweiler2

#5. “I love to go to McDonald’s just for these stories.”

Source: vedmich

#6. "In our house: building LEGO with mom vs building LEGO with dad" - Peaceful idealism vs danger and carnage. I won't ask whose was whose

Source: flarup

#7. There's two different kinds of parents...


#8. “That’s how my mom sees sales, and that’s how my dad sees them.”


#9. Mom and dad with a cat

Source: kyrie_miserere

#10. “It seems my dad sees any guy near me as a threat.”

Source: starwarsawg

#11. “My father’s hurricane prep advice vs my mother’s”

Source: gracegreenblatt

#12. "Mom's IG vs dad's IG"

Source: Cey_theVirgo

#13. Difference in text conversations with mom vs dad

Source: Jayylawton

#14. “How my mom wraps presents vs How my dad wraps presents”

Source: Eroz333

#15. "How dad and mom react when I say that I will spend the night away from home:"

Source: vgtjmn

#16. “When my mom goes grocery shopping (top) vs when my dad goes grocery shopping (bottom)”

Source: AlyviaPalileo

#17. “Now you know who’s easier to deal with”

Source: keezindatrap

#18. "How Mom vs Dad takes care of a child"

Source: alenapahomenko1

#19. How mom takes pictures vs. How dad takes pictures

Source: _ara_hori_

#20. You should visit doctor with your parents at least once

Source: plyazhyk

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