
16 Most Awful Homes You'll Ever Find On “That’s It, I’m Home Shaming”

Our houses are holy ground. We furnish them in accordance with our personal preferences so that we feel relaxed and at peace within. Nothing compares to the satisfaction of being home and being able to unwind after a demanding week of travel or a long day at the office. The thing with our homes, though, is that they may be just as distinctive as we are.

One thing is certain: for every personality quirk found in the world, there is an equally interesting manner of expressing that trait through our homes. They can be really dreamy or outrageous enough to go viral. There are a lot of houses out there that are strange, whether they have odd paint colors, odd construction, or strange furnishing choices.

To demonstrate what not to do as a homeowner, we've compiled some of the weirdest and funniest posts from the "That's It, I'm House Shaming" Facebook group below.
Everyone has their own preferences, so you may actually appreciate some of these original decisions or at the very least admire their audacity, but for the most part, Facebook users enjoy mocking these distinctive homes. Vote up the images you feel to be the worst, and then tell us in the comments what the deal-breakers would be for you if you were buying a house.

#1 Yellow house

Source: Rebecca Duncan

#2 Floweries

Source: Minds

#3 Sharks are houses, not food

Source: Shonna McElvany Hunter

#4 The color palette is just amazing

Source: Sparkl

#5 Looks like something straight out of The Shining

Source: Tanya Morrow

#6 Now that's what I'd call "interiors"

Source: Tanya Morrow

#7 Renovations to a 500 year old castle

Source: Nicole Taylor

#8 Hmmmm

Source: Tim Othy

Call with wife
Me:“Babe I’m at Lowe’s what type of ceiling fan did you want for living room ?”
Wife: “ I don’t care pick what you think looks good”
Me: “ok you sure?”
Wife: “ it’s a fan you can’t screw that up”. 

#9 Don't even know what to say

Source: Michaeleen Dewey Elliott-Gomez

#10 this was one in my local ”dream house finally came true” group. she hopes that she inspires people through her home pictures

Source: Guinevere Tampi

#11 i think somebody had an affair with the tile guy and needed an excuse to keep him coming around

Source:  Ryanne Blank

#12 It burns my eyes

Source: Heather Lynn

#13 Balcony

Source:  Osore Osore

#14 My OCD is crying

Source: Katie Crum

#15 Jairs

Source: Hillary Kervin Porter

#16 Rawr!

Source: Paula Saint Ours

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