9 Most Controversial Movies of All Time, Which Left You Most Impression?
Films have been challenging the boundaries of "decent entertainment" since they were first introduced. Films like The Wild Bunch and Psycho would never have been created if filmmakers could not take risks, were unwilling to dare to challenge the system, and chose to follow the line. Happily, there has always been dissent from the establishment in the form of artists. To my knowledge, these are the most divisive films of all time.
Films like Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange, among others, were deemed too violent and offensive to be shown in public. Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist, two horror classics, may seem modest by today's standards, but when they were first released, audiences and reviewers alike were horrified by the content.
Several films on this list are included only for their shocking nature. Films like Cannibal Holocaust are part of the horror genre, which aims to shock and challenge audiences' sense of taste, while others, like Midnight Cowboy and Bonnie and Clyde, have become enduring Hollywood classics.For better or worse, these films are the most divisive in cinematic history. If you don't enjoy the movie but believe it's controversial, vote it up.
Films like Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange, among others, were deemed too violent and offensive to be shown in public. Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist, two horror classics, may seem modest by today's standards, but when they were first released, audiences and reviewers alike were horrified by the content.
Several films on this list are included only for their shocking nature. Films like Cannibal Holocaust are part of the horror genre, which aims to shock and challenge audiences' sense of taste, while others, like Midnight Cowboy and Bonnie and Clyde, have become enduring Hollywood classics.For better or worse, these films are the most divisive in cinematic history. If you don't enjoy the movie but believe it's controversial, vote it up.
1. Happiness
Source: Happiness
2. Cannibal Holocaust
Source: Cannibal Holocaust
3. Faces of Death
Source: Faces of Death
4. The Birth of a Nation
Source: The Birth of a Nation
5. The Last House on the Left
Source: The Last House on the Left
6. I Spit on Your Grave
Source: I Spit on Your Grave
7. Lolita
Source: A Clockwork Orange
8. Kids
Source: Getty Images
9. A Clockwork Orange
Source: A Clockwork Orange
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