9 Celebrities Who Dare To Risk It All For A Role
If Hollywood is called a cutthroat environment, acting is definitely a competitive field in which actors compete with other for a role. Whether they are seasoned actors or budding ones, they have to prove their worth because their current performance will influence future work offers they receive.
Many roles require actors to go the extra mile and if they are able to give their performances one hundred percent, it will improve their chances of getting more and better-paid work down the road. On the contrary, if they deliver a poor performance in an audition or are criticized for their characterization in a role, the role will go to others. For reasons, plenty of actors unhesitatingly put themselves in danger to deliver a knock-out performance. Although dangerous maneuvers can be done by pro stuntmen, they decide to take on potentially lethal scenes on their own.
Below are 9 celebs who put their lives in danger to fulfill a role. You can see more in this article.
Many roles require actors to go the extra mile and if they are able to give their performances one hundred percent, it will improve their chances of getting more and better-paid work down the road. On the contrary, if they deliver a poor performance in an audition or are criticized for their characterization in a role, the role will go to others. For reasons, plenty of actors unhesitatingly put themselves in danger to deliver a knock-out performance. Although dangerous maneuvers can be done by pro stuntmen, they decide to take on potentially lethal scenes on their own.
Below are 9 celebs who put their lives in danger to fulfill a role. You can see more in this article.
#1 Britney Spears and the snake
Source: East News
#2 Tom Cruise
Source: © Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation / Paramount Pictures and co-producers, East News
#3 Cameron Diaz
Source: © Charlie's Angels / Columbia Pictures and co-producers
#4 Angelina Jolie
Source: © Lara Croft: Tomb Raider / Paramount Pictures and co-producers
#5 Kate Winslet
Source: Image supplied by Capital Pictures / East Newsc
#6 Kristen Stewart
Source: © Snow White and the Huntsman / Roth Films and co-producer
#7 Robert Pattison and Tai the elephant
Source: © Andreas Rentz / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images, © Vera Anderson / WireImage / Getty Images
#8 Scarlett Johansson
Source: © Captain America: The Winter Soldier / Marvel Entertainment and co-producers
#9 Isla Fisher
Source: JoBlo Top Trailers
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