
9 Surprising Reasons Actors Had To Be Drunk On Set

Almost all of us could lose our jobs instantly if we showed up to work while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Some people seem to have perfected the art of turning up to work drunk. However, for other people, this is not the case. Persuading an audience that you're sober could be the easiest thing to accomplish for those who operate behind the camera. In some cases, drugs might be beneficial, such as when an actor is portraying a character who is meant to be drunk or high. The following is a surprising reasons actors get drunk on set
Of course, there are situations where intoxication on set could delay production or even cancel a day's worth of filming. What's the most unexpected film or TV show on this list? Some may not surprise you, given that some celebrities have a reputation for substance addiction, while others may seem ridiculous given the legendary performances at stake.

1. Natalie Portman And Mila Kunis

Source: Black Swan

Natalie Portman struggled with her Black Swan scene with Mila Kunis. Natalie and Mila said they were both uncomfortable and frightened throughout their sex scene. The actresses overcame their nerves. Before filming, they both drank tequila. In the movie, they were inebriated in a club before hooking up at Portman's house. Although the scenario was challenging to film, they got it through with some hard liquor, proving that it doesn't matter if you're a little drunk as long as you finish.

2. Daniel Radcliffe

Source: Harry Potter

Most of us grew up with Daniel Radcliffe and the Harry Potter cast. Daniel Radcliffe showed up to the set drunk every morning. In an interview, he said he developed a partying habit while filming the last few Movies, He had a drinking problem and would spend all night drinking with buddies. He said he never drank on site but was probably inebriated from the night before for early morning shoots. He'd be hungover the next day. It's impossible to determine what's acting and actual pain when viewing Harry Potter movies.

3. Matthew Perry

Source: Friends

Matthew Perry played Chandler on Friends. Matthew Perry doesn't remember much from the long-running series. Between seasons 3 and 6, he was high on cocaine and scarcely remembered filming. He ended his relationship with Kathy and began seeing Monica. Looking back on the series, it's easy to discern when the addiction began and ended. His weight swings throughout the series, implying he's high while lean and sober when heavier. Even if he's gained weight, it's a good sign that he no longer forgets his most memorable memories.

4. Jennifer Lawrence

Source: The Hunger Games

Jennifer Lawrence got an Oscar nomination before The Hunger Games, which helped make her famous. She's everyone's celebrity crush, and it's tougher for her not to get a nomination than for some established stars to get one. Most people don't realize she was drunk while playing Katniss in The Hunger Games. The actress said she drank Pina Coladas in her dressing room while waiting on set. She knew she was talented and famous enough to get a job. Why not enjoy fancy drinks in your closet?

5. Robert Downey Jr.

Source: Less Than Zero

Before Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. was a troublemaker. He reveals his drug addiction and comeback after his 1990s arrest. Less Than Zero allegedly started it all. He said he took narcotics and drank excessively but never on set, always at home. He says that his role was a loser, so the drug habit matched. For almost a decade, he presumably acted under the influence of all his roles. Robert Downey Jr. is an example of doing a 180.

6. Kevin Spacey

Source: American Beauty

Kevin Spacey played the frightening dad in American Beauty before his Netflix series. In this picture, Kevin Spacey's character begins exercising, flirting with teenage girls, and smoking pot with his neighbor. Sam Mendes, the film's director, said in an interview that Kevin Spacey's cannabis might not be phony. In most movies, marijuana is a herbal combination less hazardous than cigarettes. Many productions use it to keep their performers in the mentality of smoking without intoxication. The filmmaker suggested Kevin's weed was real.

7. Bruce Campbell

Source: Evil Dead

The Evil Dead was a bizarre movie when it came out, but it's now considered a classic. Today, many more people know who was involved. Bruce Campbell's marijuana use helped make this movie quirky and unique. He heard that Jack Nicholson smoked almost 40 blunts for one of his renowned performances, so he decided he'd try taking to receive some recognition for the role. A recent series renewal proves the film's success. What transpired following the movie's release would have been different if he hadn't been high.

8. Shia LaBeouf

Source: Lawless

One of the individuals seen drinking the most alcohol in Lawless was drinking actual moonshine. Onscreen actors have been known to consume beer, but moonshine from mason jars? Shia LaBeouf was so nasty to his co-stars that one almost stormed off-screen. The film might have been damaged if he'd been drinking water instead of heavy booze. High or drunk actors can recall most of their lines, which is astounding. They work long hours without eating or sleeping. Navigating a set and portraying a meaningful role is a whole different task.

9. Eminem

Source: 8 Mile

In 8-mile, Eminem plays himself without fame and money. In an interview, he discussed his use of prescription medicines while filming. He said the movie made him work long, irregular hours and required him to sleep as soon as possible. He took Ambien to sleep and quickly became addicted. He said he took more than the regular dose and relied on the medicine. The actor should also be struggling for a character that shows so much sorrow. It will be strange to see the movie knowing about his addiction.
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