All 12 Naruto Jutsu Hand Signs And Their Meanings
Naruto dazzled anime and manga fans worldwide. What are the Naruto Jutsu hand signs? Even when eating ramen, being a ninja is challenging. Naruto Uzumaki's ninja world is stressful because he also has to deal with an emo closest buddy who disappears. Some are too theoretical to be entertaining. In Naruto's universe, one must memorize a lot before becoming a ninja in Konoha's Hidden Leaf Village.
Ninjutsu and Genjutsu are textbook-heavy. Almost every technique in the two disciplines uses 12 hand gestures or seals. Even without repetition, there are millions of possible combinations. Moreover, you can have the Naruto Jutsu hand signs book online to have guidance.
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Ninjutsu and Genjutsu are textbook-heavy. Almost every technique in the two disciplines uses 12 hand gestures or seals. Even without repetition, there are millions of possible combinations. Moreover, you can have the Naruto Jutsu hand signs book online to have guidance.
#1. All 12 Types Of Naruto Hand Signs
Source: Naruto
Source: Naruto
3. NE (RAT)
Source: Naruto
Source: Naruto
5. USHI (OX)
Source: Naruto
Source: Naruto
Source: Naruto
8. USAGI (HARE) - Naruto Jutsu Hand Signs
Source: Naruto
Source: Naruto
10. INU (DOG) - Naruto Jutsu Hand Signs
Source: Naruto
11. I (BOAR)
Source: Naruto
12 .TORI (BIRD) - Naruto Jutsu Hand Signs
Source: Naruto
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