
26 Dumb And Funny Stuff Kids Have Done That Adults Just Had To Share

Watching your little baby come into this world seems to be the happiest and most treasured moment for new parents. Kids are so adorable that they make our lives worthwhile. They easily attract all the attention and love wherever they appear, from the hilarious movements when babies are unable to move to the funny facial expressions when they try to get their parent's attention.
However, more often than not, they do some hilarious stuff that their parents can't help but roll on the floor laughing. Of course, it would be selfish if they didn't share amusing pictures of their kids with other people online. The subreddit called r/KidsAreF***ingStupid is dedicated to being a place where parents can post those priceless moments. And we have compiled a mega-list of dumb and funny things kids have done. Scroll down to check them out.

#1. Mmmm, nutritious ice

Source: NicholasHomann

#2. Screamed at the Sun for following us in the car

Source: sweetmotherofodin

#3. The monkey egg really got me

Source: BigOnes71

#4. Mad at me because I won't spend my day holding him up to flick light switches

Source: emhe91

#5. Must beat this in mind

Source: mirielmargaret

#6. Dad challenges kids to draw him while sleeping so he can get some rest

Source: SluggishStudent

#7. My friend's experience at walmart

Source: greendayshoes

#8. Oh dear...

Source: DiligentCrab

#9. My 5 year old brother leaves some interesting things around the house. The Human Centipede was today's find

Source: hmhufflepuff

#10. My 6 year old drew a “confetti bomb” on the back of my MIL’s birthday card…

Source: daniellenmoon

#11. He requested my wife be “a big shirt”

Source: jungleland

#12. While the world is fighting over TP, my toddler is giving ours a bath

Source: dmclb

#13. My sister tries to drown the moment my mom looks away for a photo

Source: CamJude

#14. My child offered me a whopping $1.21 in exchange for a hundred (uhunirit) dollars

Source: qaz22590

#15. The next Picasso

Source: gavinkress

#16. All the hardwork in the world

Source: agvkrioni

#17. If it fits, it goes in the drain

Source: ladyjriggs

#18. My 8 year old cousin came today he wanted to play the game so hard i told him it's an adults game he didn't listen he ran away with it and here is the result

Source: theywinner

#19. My kid swallowed a penny while showing his little brother how he accidentally swallowed a simm key the day before

Source: StumpedatUserName

#20. Kid buys farts from amazon

Source: dexter_024

#21. At least they tried

Source: Maximizarr

#22. Awesome

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#23. That overbite

Source: 72bgorges

#24. Wow, just wow

Source: Patwick_Cannoli

#25. I was looking through my old nursery stuff and this made me laugh so hard

Source: Intelligent_Toe4005

#26. My kid had a grand first day of preschool

Source: My kid had a grand first day of preschool

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