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  1. #1. The 8 Best Forrest Gump Quotes and Meaning

Top 8 Most Iconic Forrest Gump Quotes

There are few movies as well-liked as Forrest Gump. Here, we examine some of the best Forrest Gump quotes from that classic film. Forrest Gump, starring Tom Hanks, was released in 1994 and is now regarded as one of the best movies ever made and one of Hanks' most memorable performances. Forrest, the film's protagonist, is written off by many because of his low IQ. Still, he demonstrates time and time again that he is an incredible guy by playing pivotal roles in historical situations.
Forrest's compassion and empathy, as well as his will to make a difference in the world, define his character. Furthermore, Forrest and his companions show a remarkable insight into their environment. This signifies that there are many meaningful lines in the film.

#1. The 8 Best Forrest Gump Quotes and Meaning

8. "Mama Says Stupid Is As Stupid Does." One Of The Forrest Gump Quotes Funny

forrest gump quotesSource: Forrest Gump

Both Forrest and his mom are open and understand how the world works. Jenny asks Forrest if he's stupid and replies, "Mama says stupid is as stupid does." What does that signify, especially in response to Jenny's question? The quote may be funny, but it's also true. This comment illustrates Forrest's trust and loyalty to his mother.

7. "Mama Always Said You Can Tell A Lot About A Person By Their Shoes. Where They've Been, Where They're Going."

forrest gump quotesSource: Forrest Gump

Running is an important theme. Therefore, shoes are too. Forrest's mother says shoes can reveal a person's personality. Forrest inspects everyone's shoes as they sit next to him on the bus bench. Forrest's shoes simply reveal that he's come far. This isn't because of the shoes, which are probably sponsored, but because of their grime. It's a lovely touch for a movie about journeys.

6. "You Can't Be Doin' This, Forrest. You Can't Keep Tryin' To Rescue Me All The Time."

Source: Forrest Gump

Jenny is right to inform Forrest that he can't always save her. It's impractical and removes her agency. Forrest can't constantly be there because she's living her life. She's an individual and must learn her lessons and make her judgments. Forrest's attempts to address all of her problems hurt her, but he doesn't understand it. At this point in their narrative, Jenny believes they could never be romantically involved. Jenny isn't a damsel in distress, which Forrest must recognize.

5. "Mama Always Said Dying Was A Part Of Life. I Sure Wish It Wasn't."

Source: Forrest Gump

Even though Forrest's attitude isn't the most approachable, he has numerous relevant situations. Since the film spans many years, Forrest faces many deaths. Forrest's wish that death wasn't part of existence is a memorable line. Forrest's father, best friend Bubba Blue, mother, wife Jenny, and other men he encounters in the army all die. Many feel Forrest Gump has no adversaries. However, this phrase might be understood as a criticism of war and its unnecessary brutality.

4. "My Mama Always Said You've Got To Put The Past Behind You Before You Can Move On."

forrest gump quotesSource: Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump's decision to stop running is a key lesson. He runs from everything but Jenny's rejection. He'll never move on since he's always stuck in the past. This is one of Forrest's mother's lessons. He often remembers her remarks, and the above quote is a useful lesson. Before contacting Jenny, he must reconcile their past.

3. "That Day, For No Particular Reason, I Decided To Go For A Little Run."

Source: Forrest Gump

Forrest's long trek through America is fascinating. "I ran that day for no purpose. I ran until the road ended. I assumed I'd sprint to the end of town when I arrived. I imagined I'd find Greenbow County when I arrived." It can be extrapolated that he has a motive for running but doesn't want to face it. After all, he's a protagonist in a movie, and he needs to drive the tale. Forrest runs beyond Greenbow County as the tale progresses, capturing the nation's attention.

2. "Run, Forrest, Run!"

forrest gump quotesSource: Forrest Gump

When young Jenny urges Forrest to run from bullies, it's one of the film's most famous lines. Forrest is a natural runner. This gets him acclaim and renown throughout his youth, on the football field in college, in service, and later in life when he runs for fun. Running is one of the few things in life that gives Forrest clarity, so it's no surprise that this little line is one of the movie's most memorable. Forrest's decision to quit running and face life would never have happened if he hadn't made his first steps alone.

1. "My Mama Always Said Life Was Like A Box Of Chocolates. You Never Know What You're Gonna Get.'" - Forrest Gump Quotes Chocolate

forrest gump quotesSource: Forrest Gump

Given Forrest's mother's position in the film, it's no surprise that one of the best quotations is from her "Life was full of surprises. Unpredictable." Given Forrest's life, this is true. It inspired Forrest's later conclusion that life is fated, random, designed, and mysterious. Forrest's life is random and destiny, like a box of chocolates.
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