19 Extremely Expensive Mistakes That You’ll Probably Feel Bad For Laughing At
Here's an undeniable fact: Mistakes are inevitable. Everyone makes mistakes occasionally. There are, of course, several levels of mistakes. Everyone has made a minor error or overlooked a minor detail. And the majority of those little collisions don't cause damage that costs tens of thousands of dollars. Unfortunately, some people's errors turned out to be quite expensive and regretted right away.
The r/ThatLookedExpensive subreddit is dedicated to sharing the most expensive mistakes that folks almost surely wish they could undo. When you laugh at them, you don't have to be serious or feel awful about yourself. Well, that’s your conscience keeping you in check, and also being a killjoy. We've prepared a whole gallery of images that you probably shouldn’t laugh at, yet we know you’re gonna anyway. Scroll down to check them out. Just tell your conscience to be quiet for a few seconds so you can enjoy a good laugh.
#1. “Touchless”
Source: BoMbSWOW
#2. A huge TV destroyed
Source: Mostlynontoxic
#3. Thought crashing just your Beamer was bad enough?
Source: bullybullet
#4. Things got a little out of hand while cooking breakfast yesterday
Source: BarnabyWoods
#5. So...you're not open today?
Source: imwaiter
#6. Pro-tip: When transporting paint makes sure it is properly secured. Especially if you are driving in a $90,000 Maserati
Source: Mr_PoodlePants
#7. Our LT forgot to disengage the brakes for the water buffalo. Drove about 10 miles from the range to the motor pool. Didn't notice the tire was completely destroyed and half of the rim had melted from dragging it. LT didn't notice, he was the only one available to drive, our platoon was spread thin
Source: BatRevolutionary9183
#8. Oof size: Venti
Source: 23skidoobbq
#9. Went to the gas station last night for 5 minutes to get beer and came back to this. My room is the window to the right. I feel insanely lucky right now. Might go gambling later
Source: babyspoot
#10. The ceiling of my school gym just collapsed
Source: Moofritte
#11. A Burger King sign crushed a car
Source: Zachman97
#12. This happened a couple months ago near my home. Battery in a brand new X5 hybrid shorted out and burned down the garage. I talked to the owner and they didn't even have the car for a week
Source: WiXBox360
#13. Blowing an engine clear out during a truck pull
Source: DoctorWhoniverse
#14. I scratched my 2-days-old tesla everywhere using the metal shovel. I am mad at myself for being this stupid. Just moved to the north and never encounter such big snow storm. Just seeing my neighbors were cleaning the snow using their shovel. I did the same but with the metal one. I AM TOO STUPID
Source: yellowcow1
#15. WCGW when you put the biggest paint containers on the highest shelf?
Source: copacetic51
#16. Roughly 600 plates broken
Source: CookiesAreGodz-64
#17. This pillar was straight last week. This is the first floor of a seven-floor building
Source: VreniCZek
#18. Slipped in the shower, landed on the toilet
Source: Bonsonoptic
#19. This fallen tree in Amsterdam
Source: eiwitten
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