9 Celebrities Who Died On The Toilet
The toilet probably isn't the worst possible place to expire. The place you actually need to go (if you have to) is the worst possible choice. Many urban legends involve someone dying in the bathroom. Have you heard the one about the guy who was sucked out of the jet when the toilet was flushed with such power that it ripped the door off the plane?
Whereas, have you heard the one about the spider, rat, or alligator that comes out of the toilet and bites the victim where it hurts? Not to let you wait anymore. Scroll down to see the list of the nine celebrities who died on the toilet.
Whereas, have you heard the one about the spider, rat, or alligator that comes out of the toilet and bites the victim where it hurts? Not to let you wait anymore. Scroll down to see the list of the nine celebrities who died on the toilet.
1. Elvis Presley
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2. Lenny Bruce
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3. King George II
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4. Lupe Velez
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5. Lawrence Baker
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6. Christopher Shale
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7. Don Simpson
Source: Getty Images
8. Judy Garland
Source: Getty Images
9. Uesugi Kenshin
Source: Getty Images
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